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"Mum!!" I shout downstairs.
"WHAT!?" she replied.
"Let me know when Shaun's here!" I answered back.
"I always do don't I?"
She does have a very good point.
Here I am on my last ever day of school EVER!! and I still can't be bothered to get out of bed after 7 years of getting up early.
I eventually get my lazy arse out of bed and jump into the shower. quickly rinsing myself off and washing my hair.
Shit. It's 8 and I'm not even dressed. I get into my jeans and jumper and tie my hair up in a messy bun slap on some make up and leg it down the stairs.

"Alright Walker?!"
Of course Shaun is already here!
"Hello sheep!"
"Hey! Thought I told you not to name me after Shaun the fucking sheep!?"

My mum coughed loudly to make sure she was heard and I giggled. Shaun nudged me and then tried to tickle accidentally treading on his foot.
"Allie...honey please do me the biggest favour and get your arse out of this house before I have to kick it out!"
What a lovely mother I have right?!

I ran out the house with some kind of breakfast bar and jump into Shaun's car. Shaun is my big brother 26 years old big I mean. I have 2 more sisters and another brother but they live at home and are all younger than me.

I did my little handshake with my brother and waved goodbye, running into school making it just in time.
"Never fail to disappoint do we miss walker"
"Never sir..." and winked (not inappropriately of course...but he was quite fit I have to say!)

It's the new year and I'm now finishing  sixth form Year 13. When I try and find a seat I find it bang centre in the middle of the classroom of course!?

I sit down and get my books out. Psychology is never the best lesson but it's alright...I start daydreaming and eventually zone out until a guy comes rushing in panting like anything!

The big mop of curls looks up at the teacher trying to catch his breath and apologises he sits down in the middle of the class next to me which happens to be the only seat available in the class,
"Hey." a raspy voice whispers. Jolting I realise he is speaking to me
"He-hey" I manage to get out
He laughs a little at me and I blush, laughing a little more I shoot him a playful glare and look back around.

Psychology ends and I couldn't get out of their quick enough I walk down the hallway to my locker and feel someone tap me on the shoulder I turn around and almost fall into my locker at the emerald eyes far to close for comfort.
"Hey...I think we haven't met" He says quite demandingly
"Hey Allie, I'm Harry"

I don't quite know what to think of the guy he is attractive yes...gorgeous even with his amazing eyes and almost fluffy looking hair. I get caught up in my thoughts and remembered I'm meant to be meeting Jamie in a bit...shit!

"I-I-I have to go..." I start to walk briskly down the hallway when Harry grabs my hand and turns me round so I'm inches away from his face i get a warm feeling in my stomach...
"Where you going?"
"I have to go and meet my boyfriend"
His face immediately drops into a frown and he drops my arm.
"Bye" I say awkwardly and smile, he smiles nervously and slowly walks away.
I run off and wait outside, I notice the familiar car coming round the corner with music blasting out of it.
"Hey babe"

"Heyy" I smile.
I jump into the car and kiss him on the cheek...and giggle.
"Where are we going...?" I ask
"Somewhere special babe"
Oh god what's jamie got planned this time?!

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