For god sake not again!

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Pulling up outside a pub is not what I expected Jamie to be doing...he doesn't like pubs. But as I pull up closer I realise that this pub is the one my dad owns...shit! Just what I need, after his separation from my mum he has been nothing but harsh and stubborn and insistent that I should live with him!

I walk in and it's all memories the minute I walk in the door and then I noticed him... the grey stubble and dark hair going grey a little, and he is a lot taller than when I last Saw him he notices me and he shoots me a look, I dodged his glance and looked at Jamie he was obviously completely oblivious to the fact that my dad was less than 10 foot away let alone did he know it was my dad. Jamie looked a little confused at the fact I was staring at him. he looked ahead and smiled at my dad...I held his hand as we walked to towards him...i was a little confused as to why he was I guess we will find out now...
"Hey Dan"
Sorry what? how the...?

My dad looked at me skeptically and I just gave him a subtle smile.
"Hi Allie" my dad replies.
Jamie cuts in, "sorry what?"

"Yeah...he's my dad..."

Jamie stands there in shock. Saying nothing.
I jolt him and he looks at me in what seems to be completely and utterly stunned.
"Sorry, how come you've never told me this"

"It's never come up in conversation you've never asked!" I retaliated.

"I shouldn't have to ask Allie you should tell me these things!?"

My dad interferes, "hey hey hey it's not her fault she didn't tell you she obviously didn't want you to know did she!"
Thanks dad. sorry did I just say that?!
My dad's never been one to support me. Ever.

"Sorry but you obviously don't know a lot about her if you think she doesn't tell anyone anything!" Jamie replies.

"Sorry...why are we arguing about the fact I didn't tell you one detail about my life... if I want you to know Jamie I'll tell you okay!?"

I stormed off to get some air shouting "back in a minute!" as I walked.
I pulled out my phone and I had several messages from my best friend Abby, which I didn't feel like replying to right now.
I was looking through my phone for my mums number when I bumped into someone....Harry.


"Heyyyy...." I said in barely a whisper, remembering  today's...special events,
It took him a while to realise it was me,
"Hi" he replied awkwardly. Okay then.
"How you been?" he said.
"Harry I saw you 2 hours ago" giggling a little. he joined me for a short time nervously, as our little chat came to an end I was a little happier then when I stepped out of the pub 20 minutes ago.
"So what were you doing here in the first place?" he asked abruptly.

"Jamie brought me here not realising my dad owns the place and then we had an argument about it"
"Wait your dads Dan?"

Oh shit. of course Harry knows him to.
" do you know him?"

"Urr...he knows my dad they went to university together." He replies

"My dad went to university?" I asked. He laughed at my question but honestly I did not know my dad went to university.

"Yeah he did...lets go inside it's getting cold out here."

I nodded hugging my arms around my waist in the cold atmosphere that surrounded me. We walked inside and my dad was chatting to Jamie, me and Harry walked up to them and Jamie's smile had disappeared the minute he saw Harry. Harry wasn't paying attention he was looking at the good looking girl behind me walking past who had typically winked at him. He's a man it's normal I guess, but for some reason it bugged me that he winked back...I'm not going to think anything of it. I have a boyfriend.

"Hey dan how ya doing?" Harry interrupted my thoughts by his overly loud voice.
"I'm good Haz how are you?" My dad replied,
"Haz?" I said puzzled.
"Yeah I've kind of gained the nickname I've known your dad long enough." He laughed as he spoke. His laugh was really cute.
What am I saying!? I have a boyfriend! That is really not supposed to happen...

"Urrr...Dad can I speak to you a minute?"


I took his arm and led him to the side of the bar and he lent on the sticky wooden surface.
"What the hell!?" I shout slightly louder then usual over the excruciatingly loud banter.
"What? I know your friends big whoop!"

"Exactly they are MY friends and one happens to be my boyfriend! how do you even know them?!"

"I've known Harry since he was 12 and I only know Jamie because his dad works behind the bar!"

That shut me up. Oops!

I huffed and walked back and Jamie hugged me from behind placing his chin on the top of my head, Harry stood there awkwardly and decided to speak up after a while.
"Drink anyone?"
"Yeah sure!" I replied.
My dad second that...typical.

Why can't my life be normal for once!? but typical small world and people I don't want to know each other do! I keep thinking to myself but Jamie interrupts my thoughts...
"You alright bubz?"
"Yeah...fine" I fake a smile.
Jamie grabs my face and tilts my face towards him.
"I love you."
"Love you too Jamie"

And with that he kissed my forehead and walked outside...probably for a cigarette, that's what kind of annoys me, I wish he would stop and he keeps saying he will but that I've asked him every month for the last 6 months and he keeps saying " yeah next month" or "It's not that easy just to give up!"
I do love him. I just wish he'd stop.

I stood in the middle of the pub and Harry came back with my drink,
"You seem a little dazed?" he asked me with a curious look on his face.
"yeah just a bit shocked by this all really...i didn't think 2 people I knew were so close to my dad."

He laughed and his dimples were showing I joined in his laugh when I noticed them and I loved them...Jamie doesn't have dimples...
I stopped laughing and carried on chatting with him for what felt like seconds had been half an hour and Jamie still wasn't back. he never takes this long...
"You seen Jamie?"
Harry looked puzzled as well and shook his head
"He told me he was going outside?"
"I'll help you look" he said and walked with me through the crowded pub I was near the door when I heard a bottle smash and yelling from outside, for god sake not again!

I ran outside to find Jamie arguing with a drunk young boy who must of been no older then 16...
Harry ran towards the boy and dragged him away I ran to Jamie and pushed his chest a little to back him off from the already injured boy...
"Jamie what was that for!?" I screamed at him.
"He fucking came and attacked me for no reason?!"
I see no sign of attack on him...
"Now why don't you tell me the truth Jamie!! I'm not an idiot!"
He was fuming but I can deal with his anger...
"FINE!! He was asking for it..."

Oh here we go.
"Do you mean YOU were asking for it because I all I see is a boy pretty much unconscious over there and your blaming it on him! why is nothing ever your fault Jamie why is it always someone else's!?"
I was beyond pissed and everyone could see it I was approached from behind and I felt the hands on my cold skin pull me back a little. they turned me round and I was faced with piercing green eyes that felt like they were staring into my gut. My butterflies formed in my stomach and my breathed hitched,
"Allie you need to calm down...Jamie I think you should go..." Harry says looking above my head, hands still on my shoulders.
Jamie went to touch me but I flinched and moved behind Harry.
He flung his arms in the air and walked off down the dark street.
"Fuck you...the lot of you!!" He said as he strolled down the street.
I've had enough and with that I fell into Harry's arms and cried he took no time in hugging me back and stroked my hair and for some reason I I never feel like that with Jamie, when I'm with Jamie I feel like trouble is coming round the corner.
Harry forced my head upwards and said to me,
"Let me take you home"
I nodded and with his arm still draped around my shoulder we walked toward his car.
We got in and he drove off.

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