"S-sorry." Albus apologized.

"Don't worry about it. Are you okay?" He asked and Albus nodded. "Are you hungry?"

"A-a b-bit." He answered honestly.

"Okay, let me tell my mum I'm going over to your house and then we can get some food."

"I-I c-can t...t-tell my p-parents I-I'm h-here." Albus suggested and Scorpius shrugged.

"I'll text James if you want." Scorpius informed Albus who agreed. Scorpius pulled out his phone and told James to inform his parents Albus was with him. James texted back telling him he would. "Alright, let's get some food." Scorpius outstretched his hand to Albus. He jerked a bit and then blinked at it. "Hold my hand." Scorpius told him.

"W-with m-mine?" He asked and Scorpius smiled at the innocent question.

"Yes silly." Scorpius smiled. Albus nodded and then grabbed his hand with his own. He blushed a bit feeling Scorpius' soft hands against his rough ones. They walked out of Scorpius' room and went down the stairs. The smell of food filled the air and Albus' stomach rumbled loudly.

"There you are Scorpius. And Albus is with you. Are you hungry?" Astoria asked smiling.

"Y-yes m-ma'am." Albus spoke up.

"Well sit down. I just started to cook the roast but I can whip up a snack. What are you hungry for?" She asked.

"Can we have some popcorn?" Scorpius asked and Astoria smiled.

"Of course. Albus will you be staying for dinner?" She asked.

"I-I'd h-have to a... a-ask." He stated and then looked to Scorpius. "C-can I-I u-use your p-phone?"

"Of course." Scorpius pulled out his phone again and handed it to Albus. He knew how to use it which was good. He called Harry who was nervous to see Scorpius was calling him. When Albus shakily told him he wanted to stay for dinner, he calmed down and approved of him staying. He asked to speak with Scorpius and then told the blonde to walk Albus over at seven thirty. Scorpius agreed and then the pair went on with their day.

Harry's P.O.V

At exactly half passed seven, there was a ring at the doorbell. Ginny was taking a soak in the tub, Lily was in her room doing some homework and James was next to me on the couch.

"I'll go get it." I told James who hummed in acknowledgement. I walked to the door and opened it. Albus and Scorpius were standing there saying goodbye. When I was spotted, Albus hugged me tightly. I ran a hand through his hair and he sighed.

"H-hi d-dad." Albus spoke.

"Hey Albus, did you have a good time?" I asked.

"I-I h... h-had a g-great t-time." He told me. "T-thank y-you."

"Of course."

"Erm Harry, can I talk to you?" Scorpius asked me. I looked at him and he was wearing an awkward face. "In private."

"Oh um yeah." I agreed.

"I-I'll s-see y-you s-soon." Albus told Scorpius hugging him again.

"Bye Albus. See you soon." Scorpius spoke softly then kissed his head. They parted and Albus trotted into the house as I closed it behind me. I stood on the porch as I looked at Scorpius.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he chewed on his lip. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. "What is it?"

"Albus sketched it." He explained to me. Confused, I unfolded the piece of paper and looked at the sketch. It was very detailed. I scanned every piece of it three times. I looked up at him frightfully.

"I-is this-" I started.

"He told me he escaped through the window." He told me and my stomach churned. We saw the damage that was done to him. The gashes, the bruises and the burns. Not to mention the internal injuries and emotional damage. "He told me he didn't know where he was because it was dark."

"He was kept in the dirty basement? Was he chained up?" I raged and he shook his head.

"I-I don't know." He told me. "I believe he was or he wouldn't have drawn it." Anger rippled through me and I punched the pillar next to me. Scorpius jumped and the pillar was crack a bit. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sorry." I mumbled then opened my eyes. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't sir. Your anger isn't misplaced." He told me and I nodded.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. May I keep it?" I asked and he looked at the paper then back to me. "It'll help with his case." I explained to him. He nodded slowly then. "Thank you again Scorpius, go get some sleep."

"It's eight sir." He told me and I smiled.

"Then go do something else. I'm sure you'll sneak your way into the window anyway." I told him and he blushed.

"Maybe sir."

"Goodbye Scorpius." I spoke.

"Bye Harry." He told me and then left. I sighed and opened the door. Everyone was on the couch watching a film. Albus' head was in Ginny's lap and his legs were on James'. Lily was curled onto James' shoulder. I smiled at them and Ginny caught my eye. Her eyes were asking what but I just shook my head and mouthed later. She nodded and I went over to them. Albus sat up so I could sit down then he rested on my lap. It was the first time since Albus' kidnapping that we just sat down as a family and watched a film.


I walked into work the next day and went straight to the head detective on Albus' case.

"Good morning Harry." He greeted.

"You too Chris."

"We're working hard Harry." He told me and I nodded. "We don't have any leads though. Albus hasn't said anything about it yet, has he?" He asked.

"No but he did do something." I told him.

"What?" He asked with wide eyes. I pulled out the sketch and handed it to him.

"He drew it yesterday. Told Scorpius that he escaped through the window. He also told him it was too dark to see where he was. Personally I think that he needed to know where he was to get out of the window. He needed to know what side of the house or wherever he was to know not to get caught. He possibly saw where he was at least once."

"Yes that would makes sense. Thank you for this Harry. I promise you that we'll catch this bastard soon." He told me and I felt my throat constrict. When this whole thing started, everyone in the precinct went wild. The new guy was assigned to my case because of how close everyone else was to my kids. But the new guy got to be close to us as well and it made my heart swell on how much everyone cared.

"I hope so Chris. I really do." 

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