{Chapter 2}

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I woke up at the sound of my annoying alarm, I looked at the clock to find that it's still 6 AM ,I still have 2 hours until the first lecture so I got up from my bed and entered the bathroom to have a shower. After I finished brushing my teeth, I hopped into the shower and let the warm water flow over my body, it made me feel relaxed, I put the shampoo then the conditioner, at last I washed my hair.
I closed the shower then took a big towel and wrapped it around my body, I stood in front of my wardrobe, thinking about what am I going to wear as it's my first day at college, after minutes of standing in front of it I chose a White crop top, black skinny jeans and black boots, I stood in front of the mirror to apply some make up, I didn't want my face to be full of make up so I just applied a lip gloss, some mascara and eyeliner.
After I finished wearing my clothes, I went to my kitchen to prepare some pancakes for breakfast, it took me 10 minutes to finish cooking 2 pancakes which were enough for me.
I looked at the clock to find that it's 7:40 now "damn!" I ran to the room to take my bag and got out of the house, I waited for a taxi until I found one which took me 5 minutes, after 10 minutes of driving the driver stopped the car in front of the university, I handed him 5 dollars and thanked him. The university was huge and beautiful, as it was full of students, I remembered that there are only five minutes left for the lecture to begin, I began running in the corridors until I bumped into someone and we both fell, I didn't know that the beginning would be like that, I really wish I came a little bit early so I wouldn't bump into that person who made my life change 100%......
Hey, how are you all?? :D
I really want to thank Clara and Mariam for their beautiful comments about the story ❤️
I know it's a short chapter but I promise I'll write 2 chapters tomorrow then upload them here. So please keep on voting ❤️❤️
Tomorrow is my first day at hell cough school so wish me luck!
If you find any grammar mistakes please please tell me! It'll really help me as I'm working on improving my English.
Love you all!!😍😘

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