Rosetale pt.2

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     Frisks eyes fluttered open, to her surprise she was still alive. She sat up and looked around it was dark but a small red light was glowing from her chest... Her soul was radiating it's own pure light. She looked down to see a pile of roses. They weren't attached to a stem or a plant, yet they laid there so beautifully. Frisk stood up and made sure she didn't crush any.

     She let out a huff seeing that none of them where hurt. She put a piece of her hair behind her ear, her hair wasn't very smooth, and not all that clean considering the fall. She felt for her flower crown, it was still there, as beautiful as ever. She tried to brush all the dirt and leaves off of her sweater when she was interrupted.

     "Greetings, I'm Chara. I've expected someone would fall down here soon."

     Frisk looked up to see a friendly face. "Chara? That's the name from the legend..."

     "You're surprised, huh? Well we don't have time for questions. Welcome to the Underground." She said extending her arm, "Whats your name."

     "Frisk." She took the other humans hand.

     "Nice to meet you, Frisk. Here come with me." Chara pulled Frisk so that they where side by side. Holding hands Chara started to lead them to where the rest of the Underground was.

     "That's the door to the ruins." Chara said pointing straight ahead, "Come on let's go."

     They started to walk towards the door when a flower popped out of the ground, Frisk took notice quickly. "Wow what a beautiful flower it looks like a..."

     "Howdy, I'm Rosie. Rosie the Rose."

     "Who is that?" Frisk asked.

     "I... don't know?" Chara looked confused.

     "Don't make me say it again." The Flower rolled his eyes. "Howdy! I'm Rosie. Rosie the Rose. You're new to the Underground, arent'cha. Golly you must be sooo confused. Someone really 'ought to teach ya how things work around here."

     "Sorry Rosie I'm already showing Frisk around." Chara stood up proudly.

     The flower ignored her and continued, "I guess little old me will have to do." Rosie used magic to take out Frisk soul. Frisk held it gently in her hands. "See that? That is your soul, the very culmination of your being. You need LV to grow strong."

     "What's LV?" Frisk asked.

     "It's an acronym for LOVE, of course! Down here love is shared through little white..." Rosie thought for a moment, and then said "Friendliness pellets."

     "Uhh Frisk..." Chara whispered.

     White bullet shaped ovals appeared above him, "Move around catch as many as you can." The "Friendliness pellets" came towards Frisk.  She caught them in her hand. Then she fell.

     "You tricked me..." Her health was low.

     "You idiots! In this world it's kill or be killed!" Then another bullet was about to hit Frisk, but Chara jumped and took the hit. She then pulled Frisk up and made her run to the exit with her. They just barely made it with their lives.

     "That was a close one..." Chara huffed, "Let's go get my mom, she'll know how to heal you."

     Frisk stood up, and leaned into Chara, she was really hurt. 

     "C'mon" Chara said. "Let's go get you fixed up." She slung Frisks arm over her shoulder, and lifted her up bridal style, and began to carry her to her mothers home.

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