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        “Hyemi-ah!” I heard someone shouted my name. I turned and saw Sun Mi, my long-time best friend since kindergarten.

She was stunningly beautiful with that long blonde, curly hair she had dyed last summer.

        “Where have you been? I was looking for you the whole time.”

        “Ah…I just went to the..”

        “Don’t tell me you went to the field again. You looked haggard and you are sweating. You haven’t tried yet out, right?” her forehead was already creasing.

        “Err, no. it’s really sunny today. Why don’t we get ourselves a sit and drink cold coconut juice?” I asked to change the topic because if we’ll be talking about it, you know that thing I did back in the C.R. I won’t be able to stop and stare at the beautiful sky.

        “Oh, no, no. We’re going to be late in our first subject, c’mon!” she hurriedly pulled me and we entered the room where my high school life was going to revolve for the whole school year.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We sat next to each other, I was sitting beside the wall, near the door and Sun Mi was sitting on my right. The other students were starting to enter while I on the other hand was just doodling on my notebook.

        “So class,” Mr Kim, our newest teacher said with the tone of eagerness in his voice. “You are in your 2nd year level of high school and I’m proud to say that I will be your adviser.”

The whole class clapped their hands so I did the same.

        “And I would like to know the new students here, not the old anymore because it will only take our time.” He took his class record from the desk. “Mr. No Minwoo?”

I looked at the back and saw the guy raised his hand.

        “Please come here in front and introduce yourself.”

He stood up and walked in front. He waved to the girls, who were by the way standing outside the room.

        “Anyeong hasseyo! I’m No Minwoo. I’m 16 and fresh. I am purely Korean but I came from Canada and just migrated here. I love eating, I love rapping and I love dancing. I love to cook but I just don’t know how.” He laughed and the girls screamed.

Then he looked at me and winked but I felt the eyes of the girls like knives stabbed at my back. What was that for?

        “Next are the Jo twins?”

Two guys from the back walked in front and again, girls screamed and giggled.

        “Annyeong hasseyo.” The guy in black hair introduced. “I’m Jo Kwangmin and I’m happy to be your friend.” He bowed.

        “I’m Jo Youngmin.” The guy in blonde introduced himself after. “I love to be alone and I hate girls inserting love letters in my books and in my locker. And most especially I’m allergic to feeling pretty girls.”

Before they went back to their seat, they both looked at me, like what Minwoo did a while ago. I looked away because I got conscious of their stares.

        “Thank you Jo twins. So the girls outside, you heard Youngmin? If I were you, I’ll go back to my classroom and copy the lessons on the board.”

None of the girls, who were standing outside the room, made any movement but when the teacher called the next name, they drifted like storms and they were replaced by the guys. The hell…?

        “I’m Song Hyuna. I’m one of the best dancers and versatile singers here in school and they even made me the head of the performing arts!”

         “How did that happen? Isn’t it too impossible for a student especially a transferee one to have that position?” I murmured.

         “Because I’m good in everything and my grandfather is the chairman of this school and I am his onlygranddaughter.” She answered.

I thought she didn’t hear me. She seemed a little irritated with what I said because before she sat, she glared at me and then smirked.

What on earth were their problems? All of the new students looked at me like I did something…… or can they possibly know what I did? Omo! It can’t be!

I was absentmindedly tearing the paper where I doodled when Sun Mi stopped me.

        “What’s happening to you?”

        “Nothing.” I showed a weak smile.

        “You seemed nervous.”

        “I’m not. Maybe just hungry or tired.”

I turned my back on her and wiped the sweat I felt on my forehead.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~author entering~~~~~~~~

How about commenting in my work? Please, please, please…….!!!! I’m such a demanding author,…HA HA HA!

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