peace and quiet

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             In the land of Minecraftia there were 5 kingdoms or so called fandoms. they were all ruled by the famous of youtubers,

Skydoesminecraft,  deadlox, minecraftNINJA ( this is because this book idea came from her), asf jerome and bajancanadian, and Trumoo (minecraftunivers). They all lived peacfuly, had arguments but no wars. just freinds and there kingdoms. until one day a new charcter was spawned in minecraftia, they all wonderd whos fandom he was going to. they gatherd around to see the new character and as alwas he had a steve skin on for befor they get chosen.

               sky said "come on who are u for" soon being cut off by a sword to the throt "DONT TALK TO A NEWCOMER THAT WAY" minecraft NINJA yelled, AAAAAAAAAA plz dont hurt me as deadlox smiled at minecraftNINJA. The new character smirked and looked at all of them waited and turned to a open grassy area. as they all gasped to see his skin apper and a nametage apper "BACCABRO"it spellt out as they all gasped WE HAVE A NEW KINGDOM Jerom yelled as they began to gather around.

hey guys I hope u liked the first part I will update as soon as i get at least one comment on this book I hope u guys like and if u guys want to be in the book I will see who the first people to commnt are thanks allot.

oh and if u want me to work harder on anything just tell me ok like grammar or spacing or anything ok by bros bye WOLOLOLOLOL

and my kik is testroyer if you want to do it there.**************************************************************************

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