saying my goodbyes.

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(play the song for effect!!!!)

"i don't care about you anymore."

that's what you told me after our one year anniversary. remember that, josh?

i do.   

i wish i didn't, though.

but, i do.

i'm writing this on my bathroom floor, hoping my roommate can't hear my choked sobs.

i wish you heard them, though.

actually, would you even care?

probably not. not anymore.

maybe before, but not now.

anyways, back to why i'm writing this.

hey, josh. it's tyler.

i miss you.

i probably shouldn't even being saying that but i can't lie to you or anyone anymore. not after what you did to me.

but i want to focus on the good things about our past.

i found my purpose in you.

i remember your silent hum would lull me to sleep.

you carried me to your apartment after you found me on the floor in the bathroom on that one night when i found out my mom died.

how ironic that that's exactly where i am writing this paper. and in the same state you found me in. maybe even worse. but, i don't think you would care like you did back then.

what did you find in debby that wasn't in me...

if you would tell me i'd change it so you would come back.

i'd do anything for you, josh, i promise.

please come back?

why won't you come back...

please. please.


remember our first kiss?

you were so warm.

so, so warm.

i'm not warm right now.

more like frozen, actually.

so pale.

i miss the warm glow you gave me.

why can't i take it back?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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