Dakota blushed and slapped her shoulder, making her way behind Jonathan's back and said, "Shut up Maggie!"

"Deny how much ever you want but I am already picturing small Dakotas and Jacobs running around in a house." exclaimed Maggie.

"Let's not talk about making babies yet, Maggie. Let's just keep that talk for later." Jonathan said uncomfortably.

"Why? You scared big boy?" Maggie asked flirtingly.

"Uh-oh! Someone hit a nerve!" Dakota said while smirking.

"Not at all! You see there is a thing that I don't want to mention in front of you both .But there are so many different thought running in my mind about that baby making, and I don't think it will be appropriate to tell whom it is with. So just shut up." Jonathan said in a breath.

Dakota knew it and she taunted him, "who is it? Big boy?"

Jonathan looked at the ground and just laughed a little to himself.

"You know, to be honest, with you but now my chance is all gone because of that café guy and damn! I miss such a perfect body." Jonathan said.

Maggie felt uneasy. This couldn't be jealousy, could it? No it's just something else. Why will she be jealous? She tried to convince herself, but deep inside she knew what it really was.

"So I also heard you almost kissed the café boy! Is that true?" Maggie asked trying to change the topic.

"Wait! Who exactly is this little birdie? Wait! I know who it is!" Dakota said getting a little annoyed.

Aunt Margaret! Again!

"Well it wasn't much of a kiss. It was just that we got caught up in that moment, and it was just going to happen when Aunt Margaret opened the door. Oh! that was embarrassing as hell!!" Maggie said.

"Okay girls! I think it is late. We should probably go and just have some sleep. After all that heavy chicken, I am surely feeling sleepy." Said Jonathan.

"Yeah! It's late. We have school too tomorrow." Said Dakota.

They all nodded their head and started to leave for home, the sequence as already known was, and first it was Dakota's place then Maggie and then finally Jonathan's house at the end.

When Dakota's house came, they all hugged and exchanged their goodbyes.

The tension was thick between Maggie and Jonathan.

Breaking the silence, Jonathan said, "You know about me, saying the baby making thing? It was you I was imagining. And I couldn't help it. I'm sorry."

Maggie was shocked. Did he share the same feelings or was he just flirting with her. Well she was too tired to notice it, so she let go of it and they reached her house.

"So I guess we call it a night. Good night Jonathan. Today was fun. I will see you tomorrow. Bye." Said Maggie opening her front door.

"You surely will. Good night Maggie. Sweet dreams. Bye." Jonathan said.

She waved for a last time and entered her house.

Now that he was alone, he jogged towards his house and entered inside calling it a night.


"Hey! How are you this morning?" Jacob chirped in a very happy manner.

Dakota was shocked. She didn't expect Jacob to be in front of her house, leaning on his bike, very sexily that too. Her mouth gaped open and she asked,

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I am here to pick up this girl named Dakota, I think I'm lost. Mind if you tell me her address? I need to drop her to school. She will be really late if I don't do so." Jacob said grinning.

Dakota smiled and then walked towards him.

"Good morning sir. I am Dakota and no I won't be late. My friends are here to pick me up. But thanks for trying." Dakota said.

"Well shame! I don't think this backseat should be empty. It should be blessed with you fine butt."Jacob said confidently.

Dakota's eyes widened and she blushed a deep crimson.


"I'm just kidding D. I just wanted to drop you to school today. So? What say?"


She acted as if she was thinking something deep. She had her fingers under her chin and looked at the sky. Wait! Did he call her 'D'? Well nice nickname.

"Come on! Don't refuse this pretty face of mine."

"Fine. But I will have to inform my friends."

The moment she said that, Jonathan's car came into vision.

Jonathan and Maggie smiled, and looked at each other noticing that Jacob was here.

Dakota came near the shotgun window and informed them that today she was going to ride in with Jacob. They knew it already and told her to go ahead.

"So let's rock the day! Shall we?" exclaimed Jacob with an enthusiastic smile.

"We may!" said Dakota.

And both were off to school in the old rusted bike of his, which now suddenly felt new due to her presence.

Another chapter for you guys. Next one tomorrow.

-with love




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