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From Potions, we went to Divination, where the teacher – Professor Jones – was a worse fraud than Trelawney.

I enjoyed making dream diaries, because I just wrote about fighting Trolls and facing three headed dogs; about finding the chamber of secrets and pretty much every moment in my life, I wrote about.

“You wore the sorting hat, and pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of it, and then you killed a basilisk.” James read over my shoulder. “How do you think of this?”

“I can not reveal the secrets of what my inner-eye can see.” I said haughtily.

Lupin rolled his eyes at me; “In a dream you were stabbed and woke up in the house of a random man in shabby robes?” he said.

Awkward Lupin. You were the man in the shabby robes.

“Yup,” I said, my voice a little higher than usual.

As we left half an hour later, I looked over all of the edge of the railing and stared down at the swarm of people and just thought that if things had been normal, I’d be here in the future.

“Stuck on time four.” Said a voice from behind me, I span around and watched as the portrait that hung in Sirius’s house was here. “so you recognise me?” it said. “That’s good.”

“How do I get back?” I snarled.

“Do you not understand the term ‘stuck’?” it told me.

“Who are you?”

“Just a painting.”

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, slowly getting frustrated.

“Because,” it said. “I’m a time traveller and I need your help.”

“But-“ and the man in the painting vanished, but a rather large gust of wind came out of nowhere, and to someone leaning against  the railing, that isn’t a good thing.

In other words, down I fell, down, down, down.

Until I hit the ground.

Oh Hogwarts, why do you hate me?

I woke up in the hospital wing, apparently the next day, and Sirius was beside me laughing.

“Ohh, I love you too.” I said darkly.

“What I can’t understand is how you didn’t break a bone. Not even a scratch or a bruise!” the matron said.

“the only thing shattered is her ego.” Sirius laughed at me, and I felt a strange urge to punch him in the face.

“So, what caused you to fall?” the matron asked me.

Well, there was this painting that seems to be haunting me, and it told me that it was a time traveller.

“Dunno.” I said shrugging.

“Well, you haven’t got a concussion or anything Miss...”

“Call me Lemon.” I said.

“Miss Lemon, okay, I guess you could go.”

So I left and Sirius said: “Yo, isn’t your last name potter.”


“Well, you just told Matron Rogue that your name was lemon.”

“It is.” I said as though it was obvious.


“Are you feeling alright Sirius? Do you need to go lie down?”

And so we walked back to the common room as Sirius looked confused.


So there’s a time travelling painting that needs my a boss...

I found the painting again in an empty classroom the following night, which was really coincidental.

“So you’re from the future?” I asked it.


“But you told me you were a time traveller.”

“I lied.”

“Well, tell me the truth then!”

And so it proceeded to tell me that it was passing on a message from someone. It told me that I had to find the thirty year time spell.

And it was weirdly enough in the first book I looked at in the library. So I had to send back a key thirty years in the past, where apparently, someone else from this time had been sent.

So pretty much, it was just a whole bunch of people thrown backward in time, so they could keep sending this key back in time to someone, and apparently they would fix everything up afterwards.

Seems legit.

Only thing was that the year passed.

I was sixteen, stuck in the wrong time for a year, and no one had come back for me.


Really fricken thanks.


If nothing you just read made sense to you, I’ll try to explain it again because yeah.

I’m really PMS and I wrote that because I felt like it.

So I’ll stick with it because I can.

And yeah, with llamas and stuff.

Oh right, explaining it for you:

Willow found a key and had to send it back in time, where someone would find the key and send it back in time, where someone else would find the key and send it back in time, where someone who mysteriously had a TARDIS – time machine in doctor who – found it and thought they’d put everyone back into the right time.

However, no one came back for Willow for the rest of the year, and so now she’s started her fifth year and is very angst. She’s annoyed because she’s in the wrong time and thinks she will never get back to her time. She’s given up all hope.

The rest of it will sort of hopefully be amusing and work out and yeah.


P.S. I totally didn’t watch Doctor who’s Blink and then decide on writing that last part.

Herp. Derp.


Willow and the trip to the past.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora