It's Badger Time!

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Okay, so some people say badgers are lame.

That is not true.

Have you ever seen a mad badger? (If you haven't, that's okay because I put one at the top 🤗)

Okay, maybe they aren't quite as scary as a lion. But it's hard to be friends with a lion. The lion might eat you up. The badger is only going to attack you if you're mean to its friends.

I would also like to point out that badgers are furry and cuddly and you can't hug an eagle.

Or a snake.

Especially because we don't know what kind of snake the Slytherin mascot is. It might be a viper. Or an anaconda.

An anaconda would hug you! But then you would die.

You should hug a badger instead.

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