Tour and Talking About Our Pasts

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** 8 A.M. **
Laila P.O.V

My phone starts buzzing and I noticed I got a text from London.

My brand new obsession 🌜🙇💏🎸🍕🌛: Hey, babe! Bus will be there in an hour to get you!! Get ready, and I'll be seeing you soon!!! XOXOXO
P.S. The guys are already calling you their new bestfriend. (ROBBY, NO! PUT DOWN THE LIGHTER!!!)


My brand new obsession 🌜🙇💏🎸🍕🌛: Ummmm.... Robby killed my My Little Pony!!! 😭😭😭

Monkey ✨👑😍🙊✨: I'll buy you a new one and tell Chad and Charlee that we should lock Robby up after each show so he won't go cray-cray!

My brand new obsession 🌜🙇💏🎸🍕🌛: They said we should send him to a Psychiatric Facility for an evaluation!!! Anyways, get dressed see you!!!

I laughed as I put my phone on charge.

I get in the shower and let the warm water run all down my body.

After my shower, I got dressed. No makeup, since it's just travel until we get to the venue. Slipped into my Stiched Heart shirt, reflective aviator sunglasses, State Champs hat, and my black and pink Vans.

It is now 8:55.

I wait until I hear tires screech, followed by a chorus of knocks at the door.

I opened it and was immediately engulfed in a group hug.

"Guys! I. Can't. Breathe!!!" I say as they jump off.

"Hey, babe!" London says as he pulls me closer to him and kisses me.

Charlee and Chad are putting my stuff on the bus, leaving Robby (the possible crazy ax murderer) to break us apart.

"So, Robby. Why did you kill London's Rainbow Dash?" I ask.


"Ok, from now on you are under supervision from London's things. You can have my mixed N*SYNC cd, instead." I said as I hand him the CD and we walk onto the bus.

"Ooohhh, N*SYNC!!!" We hear Robby squeal.

I claimed the bunk across from London's.

Here is the bunk situation:
Robby       Charlee
Chad       (Empty/Junk Bunk)
London      Me

I head to the back lounge where everyone was just talking.

(***Trigger Warning***)

"So Laila, tell us about yourself." Charlee says.

"I must confess something. I am a fan of the band. I just didn't want to be all fangirling."

"That's OK. What's your favorite song?" Chad asks.

"Skip The Memories. Because when I was 10, my identical triplet brother and sister, Luke and Loganne, passed away from a car accident. We were on our way home from a family vacation in Florida. When the red light we had turned green, a drunk driver T-Boned the side of van they were on. I w-was on t-the,"

I was now in tears because I never talked about them, not even to my ex and London wrapped his arms in a comforting hug.

"Drivers side. My parents thought it was a miracle I made it out, because my legs were stuck under the seat and loosing a lot of blood. In high school, I met my ex Adam. We dated for about three and half years before we started being intimate and soon he started being abusive. Mostly mental and emotional abuse. But a year and a half ago, he... he...,"

Here go the waterworks again.

"Raped me and I became pregnant."

The guys seemed furious once I told them.

"Once I told Adam, that's when the accusations of me cheating started. He beat me and kicked me, forcing me to miscarry the baby. So, last October, I finally had enough. I broke things off and moved to Dallas."

At this point, I could tell Charlee was on the verge of tears himself.

"I wrote that song about a friend who passed away and how we always want to cherish those times we have with them because tomorrow is never promised." He said, the tears now taking over.

I scoot over to him and give him a hug.

"Hey, London. Tell me about Dana."

I say after I calmed Charlee down.

"Well, like how you met Adam, we met in high school. We both had the same issues. I used to self-harm. And she did too. We promised each other to never do it again. But in our Junior year, she was bullied because she started dressing differently and listening to Rock and Metal. One day, I was walking to her house down the street and I starting hearing sirens. I immediately made a break for it. When I got there, I saw her mom in the hallway crying and her dad holding her bloodied wrists. I dropped to my knees and cried, because she broke our promise and I thought about maybe slipping up myself. Paramedics came and took her away. My parents agreed to let me switch schools for our Senior year with her so she wouldn't feel alone. That was 2 years ago. But, yesterday she broke it off."

By now, all of us had melted into a puddle of tears. But this time, Charlee ran to his bunk and shut the curtain.

I followed my new bestfriend and opened the curtain.

The sight of him crying uncontrollably made my heart sink.

"Cha-rlee," I said crying, trying to climb into his bunk, "What's the matter?"

"I can't stand it when I hear one of my friends wanting or used to want to harm themselves."

"Tell me about your friend who you wrote the song about."

"Me and Kensi grew up together. Even though she was the only girl on the team, we did T-Ball together. Then in middle school I played basketball, and she was on the dance team. In our Freshman year, we started dating. About halfway through our Sophomore year, her dad shot her mom, sister Andrea, her and then himself. I always think about what would've happened if I had been there. Would she have fulfilled her dream of going to Juliard? Would we have gotten married? Have 2 kids, one of each?"

"Just think that my siblings, your friend, and my son or daughter are looking down on us. And one day, we'll get to see them again."



"Thank you."

Charlee seemed to calm down and I stayed until he fell asleep.

I quietly got out, and went back to join the others.

"Is he ok?" Chad asks.

"He's asleep now. He told me about Kensi."

They had looks of sorrow on their faces.

(Grabs tissue and wipes the tears)

This is the most emotional chapter of any fanfiction I have ever written.

If you or someone you know, has dealt with or is dealing with the issues in this chapter, I am here.

Feel free to contact me on here and I will talk and listen to the best of my abilities.

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