Chapter 2

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Me, Sookie and Soul were eating and talking "so Sam was it hard to take care of Taurissa? "soul asked "a little.. She sometimes acts like... Taurtis.... Heh"I said as I look down "Sam do you still love taurtis after all those years? "Sookie asked I sighed "yes... I do I still love him with all my heart but his with Grian now I miss him I really do... I have not seen them or heard about them since they left and Taurissa knows that her father is dead but she does not know his alive... "I said as a tear roll down my cheek.

I wiped it away "oh Sam I know you love him with all your heart and he was so stupid to leave you and cheat on you with Grian you are an amazing person"Sookie said as she smiled.

"let's change the subject what about you two? "I asked "oh us we been good we got married five years ago it was beautiful, Yuki is still the same girl she have not change a bit she's working right now and I got pregnant when you left"Soul said as she smiled "oh I bet you two had fun"I smirked at them they both blush deep red.

I laughed them "anyways I just notice your wearing a police uniform why? "Sookie asked "oh yeah, I work as a police man"I said "did you guys find any criminals? "soul asked "yup a lot if you ask me its fun but it takes a lot of work to find them tho"I said as I look at them both.

I look at my watch its 8:30 a.m "hey guys its been fun we should to this again right now I need to go I don't want to be late for work bye girls see you two soon"I said as I got up from my chair they both nodded "bye Sam see you soon too"they both said I left the restaurant to go to the police station.


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