Chapter 12: Some Exciting News, The View

Start from the beginning

"I wonder what they want to tell us?" Mackenzie asked the girls.

"I have no earthly idea." Chloe answered.

"But whatever it is, it must be big." Asia said.

"Hopefully." Nia replied.

"Everyone, i have a huge announcement to make to you all. Me and My Mom's publicist just called and she just told My Mom and me that we've officially been invited to co-host The View next week." Sebastian announced and everyone had gasped in excitement over the announcement and began cheering and clapping.

"They want you and Abby to be guest hosts?!" Christi told them as she hugged them. "That's amazing!"

"It sure is, we're happy for you and your son!" Kelly told them.

"It is." Abby chuckled. "For the entire hour, me and my son will be hosting and not only that, we're going to have the entire Abby Lee Dance Company competition team come with us to perform one of our winning group routines on The View."

"I bet you're all excited as we are, aren't you?" Sebastian said to the girls.

"Yes." All of the girls responded.

"Next week, we'll be heading to New York City, one of my favorite cities to go to." Sebastian added as the girls were smiling widely and cheered. "And the routine that we're going to submit tonight is Alouette."

"Maybe the hosts could start speaking some french, qui qui." Jill said and that made everyone laugh at the comment.

"Mom, you are something else." Kendall laughed.

A week had passed and it was the morning of February 20th and the day before that, Abby, Sebastian, Gianna, the moms and the girls had arrived in New York City and they were at the ABC Studios, ready to appear on The View, the girls, their moms and Gianna were in the audience and before their appearance, they rehearsed daily for their apperance and the cameras began rolling as Whoopi Goldberg, Sherri Sheperd, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Joy Behar and Barbara Walters were sitting on a large turquoise sofa with two empty seats between Barbara and Whoopi.

"You might love them at times or you can hate them, please welcome from the popular show on Lifetime, Dance Moms that airs on Tuesdays, Abby Lee Miller and her son, Sebastian Miller!" Sherri introduced.

The audience cheered as Abby and her son came out from the backstage area, stepping through the doors that slid open. Abby was in a black jacket, red camisole and black jazz pants while Sebastian was decked out in a black sports coat, button down white formal shirt with no tie and the top button was unbuttoned and black slacks as they hugged the co hosts of the view and took their seats.

"Hi Abby, Hi Sebastian, Welcome to The View." Whoopi stated.

"Thanks, Whoopi." Sebastian responded.

"I"ve got to say, you look handsome." Barbara told him and the comment made him blush, then Barbara turned her attention to Abby. "Abby, you're a dance teacher and here's the first question, do you think it's somewhat tough for the girls to learn new choreography?"

"Well, i'll have to confess, it is kinda tough choreographing new pieces every week, but we do that to stay fresh and the only time we choreograph old dances is when the Abby Lee Dance Company Recital is nearing." Abby replied, then Joy then turned to Sebastian.

"Sebastian, quick question for you, we know that you help Abby out every week do you think you're too tough on the dancers when it comes to rehearsals?" Joy asked Sebastian.

"Honestly, when we tell a dancer to do something the first time, we're nice and calm, if we told them the 15th time, we've had it and should we reach the 30th time, then we make the dancer do push ups or sit ups while we yell at them, so therefore, we're being realists." Sebastian said.

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