First Day

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So it's the first day of school and mind you we live in Florida so there's a lot of kids in my school and I really hope I make friends cause I honestly don't know anyone. So today I decided just to wear tights and a grey sweat shirt. I put my hair in a bun and did my make up. I only wear mascara eyeliner and lip stick cause I don't like breaking out! So I walk to my bus stop and wait for bus 15. So I wait about 5 minutes and the bus finally came. I walk in and sit all the way in the back by myself. There was only like 7 people on so I didn't stress about it too much. But then some guy walks on his I didn't think much of it so I just play on my phone. Then I hear
Your in my seat
I look up and it's that guy
I say oh sorry I took you seat so I get up and move to another while I go he trips me and says
I fell on my knees
Whatever I just brush it off  and found a new seat. So we are at school and I go off the bus every thing is fine but I saw this really cute guy and I just look at him. Then he saw me staring and I just looked down. Oh god Ariel what the heck! I said to myself
Well well the loser is talking to herself I heard that guy say with all his friends
I just stood there and looked at him.
Oh where are my manners I'm Luke I hope you like this school cause I'm pretty sure your just a lame little girl and I'm just everything you can't be bye loser he walked away with all his friends
Ugh wow my first day is already gone bad. I walk in school and get my schedule
First period English B108
Second period technology F103
Third period social studies D103
Fourth period math b110
Fifth period science D108
Sixth period Family consumer science M106
Great I have English first
So I walk in to my English and I sit down in the back since I'm a new student nobody knows me and I don't know them so what if I'm sitting to someone's seat? Ehh I swear if I am😐 then that one cute boy sits right next to me and says
Hey the names Zachary But you can call me Zach
Hi my name is Ariel I'm new here
Oh well after this I'm sure I can show you around and btw are school is nice but some people can be really rude no one is really close in this school everyone has a group you can be apart of mine of course if you want to but the people in it are
And now you Loren with be happy there is another girl since she's just hangs out with boys oh yeah and Geo is her boyfriend but she dumped Joey like 3 months ago so our group is drifting apart maybe you can pull it back together?. They seem really nice can't wait to meet th- Okay class we have a new student her name is Ariel and I see you met Zach. I'll just let you sit with him since there's no other seats
Okay so Loren is over there
Mario isn't in this class
Geo is next to Loren
And Joey it's over there
Jacob is right there
Okay they seem pretty chill lol I say
Alright so where do I go now Zach?

This is my first chapter yea yea seems pretty boring but trust me it will get better!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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