Chapter 5

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"So...y/n whens the serious lip puckering going to start?" Howard questions as a wide grin makes its way onto his face causing me to blush at what he is implying.
"Howard!" I cried as I hide my face in my hands yet upon hearing several chairs scrapping against the floor which irritates my ears to high heavens.
"What, Y/n you're 26 and still a Virgin you don't have all the time in the world" Howard insisted until Bernadette slapped him on his upper arm causing him to yelp in pain and rub his arm whilst muttering an apology along with something that sounded like "I just said what we was all thinking".
"Well I'm kinda in plaster at the minute so I don't think I'll be interacting in coitus anytime soon and besi-" just as I'm about to finish my sentence I was cut short by Sheldon causing me to glare daggers at him as I absolutely despise not being to able to complete an activity.
"That's the beside the point, we've only just became a couple so there is no point rushing into something and not only that;   but why would we want to interact in coitus in front of people when it is meant to be between two people?"
"Wait hold up when did you two become a couple?!" Bernadette and Raj question as there jaw drops whilst curiosity shines in their eyes.
"Well that answer should be self explanatory as you walked in on us but if you want the full story then we're going to be here a while." As soon as those words left my mouth the room began to burst with excitement ,anticipation and a hint of boredom however the boredom is purely just Sheldon where as the excitement was purely coming from Howard alone which is almost suffocating. "Do you want to tell them or shall I?" I asked Sheldon as I thought it would be for best to give him the option to tell them what happened although i may not have the best social skills I do know how to deal with a Shelly.
"I'll tell them" he said as he took my hand in his own intertwining our fingers together whilst a slight smile played on his reddened lips, as everyone stared in anticipation. "Well it all stared this morning when I went over to Y/n's apartment because....."

~Time skip to 30 minutes in the future~
Before I knew it he'd manage to finish the beginning of our love story; which I hope will last until the time comes where the world falls to its knees however even if we won't live to see that day; I hope that someday a intellectual superior discovers away for us to resurrect the dead both restoring our bodies to the early to mid twenties and leaving our minds with the extremely high IQ we died with.

I am brought back to my senses as a bumbling nurse bursts through the doors saying a bunch of gibberish in turn causing my brows to furrow in confusion, "Erm, I'm sorry but do you think you could repeat that in English this time?" I ask as she attempts to sort out her uniform in an attempt to appear more professional in turn it makes Sheldon scoff in disappointment, "and they call themselves professionals, I mean look at your side the stiches and plaster has started to come loose, I-"
"Sheldon, for the last time its not your fault, if anything I'm to blame I shows you the blood when you was driving and I didn't take your emotions and fears into consideration...I...I'm so sorry if it wasn't for me we wouldn't even be in this mess we wouldn't have to be in the hospital and..." I say as I clench my fist around the thin bed sheets as I grit my teeth in pain as the morphine starts to wear off thus making a few tears roll down my face.
"No! Y/n look at me please, I know that you think you're to blame and I believe I am in the wrong as well ; but if you look at the equation of what has happened today and what we've been able to get over in the past you should now that we are both equally guilty and I know that I probably will not say it as much as I should from here on out but I do want you to know that I love you" He says as he puts his arms around my shoulders allowing us to share and awkward yet loving embrace seeing as neither of us are comfortable with alot of human contact; yet for some reason I feel that I am comfortable with sharing contact with him and him alone.
"Okay are you ready for the news now or did you want me for eternity or something because for your information I have other patients to deal with" the nurse snaps as sarcasm floods her voice.
"Well get on with it then am I going to be released or not I need to get back to the university"
"Oh I'm sorry Miss Lancaster but I don't think you will be going to work for at least the next six weeks."
"What do you mean I'm not going anywhere for the next six weeks my resarch needs me!" I shout in annoyance.
"Y/n? Just hear her out after all what's more important your research or your health?" Howard questions as sincerity spreads across his face.
"Screw my health Howard! I'd rather be six foot under than leave my work unfinished for the next six weeks!" I say as I feel my rage grow quicker and quicker by the second, yet the pathetic unprofessional nurse just dismisses it as she continues.
"Well that's the bad news out of the way now onto the good news you are going to be discharged so which of you lucky lads gets custody of her" She says as she winks at Sheldon,Leonard,Raj and Howard.
"Woah hold up, I am more than capable of looking after myself, I may not have the upper body strength of a world renowned heavy weight champion but that doesn't mean that I can be tossed around like kryptonite"
"Yes but it is best for your health that you stay with Dr.Cooper and Dr.Hothsteader seeing as a) there only one apartment down from your own and b) you already seem quite content with Dr.Cooper" She says she offers a bright smile and a cheery voice.
"But what about my organization system and belongings?" I question as several thoughts of what could go wrong spread through out my mind.

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