( riker's pov )

I was walking around the street alone. My parents kicked me out. Because I was slacking, but that not true! I try my best for R5 just like my siblings, but.. my parents loved them more than me. I was begging my parents to be easier on me, but they didn't. Before I know I passed out.

* later *

I wake up on a couch. " what happened?" I ask. " you awake," I look up and saw a boy around my age. " who are you?" I ask. " curt.. curt mega, and you are?" " riker, riker lynch." I said. He looks at me for second. " what happened to you? And how old are you?" He ask. " 23 and my parents kicked me out.. because a stupid fight.. my dad said.. I could choose are i keep following there rules or I could lave.. but I was sick of it! They never listened to me! And.. they loved my younger siblings more." And a tear running down my face. " I'm so sorry... but you said lynch right?" I nod. " yhea why? You know our band?" I ask. " yhea.. but.. it's sound crazy.. but you parents are mark and stormie, right?" He ask and walked to a desk. " yhea.. are you a fan?" I ask. " not really but.. you have to read this.." he said and give me a map whit.. papers from my family. I start reading. I jump up. " okay who are you!?" I ask scared. " riker I'm not going to hurt you.. I just telling you this." He said. " tell me this is a joke.. there are not spy's.. we are just a normal family.. " I say. " come on.. I'm not lying about this. I run towards to door but it was locked. " let me go!!" I yell. " riker just listening.. I am also a spy." I look at him whit fear in the eyes. I don't know if I believe him. And why would my parents lie about this. That I fainted.

I wake up again. I was lying on the couch again. I tough he tied me up, but no. " you okay? I know it's a chok.. but you didn't know this?" Curt ask. " no.. but.. how do you know my parents? Even my siblings? " he sighed and sit next to me. " you family are spy's, but from an other organization.. we use to be one team, but years ago.. we lost our biggest enemy.. we keeped argue who's fault it was.. so we splited up.. i was really young actually i think like 10.. but my parents told me.. they were really good friends whit your parents until that happened." He say. " wait.. 10? We have the same age.. so why i never know?" I ask. " i don't know.. i only heard.. they had 4 kids.. i never saw them because they were to young.. actually your training start at 8.. but what i know.. when you were born.. your parents look if you strong enough for being a spy, like how you dealing whit bullying and stuff.. and that's at a really young age." Curt tells me. I nod. " okay.. but.. i ..im a softy.. i can't defend myself! Even whit my younger siblings! Is that the reason?" He nod. " maybe.. its up to your parents. They can tell you if you ready to be a spy." I sighed. " so.. what now.. now I know.." I ask. " you can go home.. or.. I can try if i can train you." He says. " wow.. thanks I would love that.. but what if they don't wand me?" " we see.. and i ask my partners first.. I'm sure there gonna help.

* a few days later *

( riker's pov)

I was doing my training, over a few months i have my test to see if I'm ready for missions. It was weird for the people here when there heard about my family. " come on rike.. you can so this!!" Curt shout at me. I was running laps around a field. " you really fast." Curt says. " thanks.. running together? " i ask. He nods. " yhea.." I smile and we start running.

When we're done a man around our age walked toward us. " hey curt, so this is riker?" He ask. " yes, riker, this is my best friend grant." Curt says. " Nice to meet you." I smile. " hey, i grab a drink afterwards wanna come?" He ask. " sound good." Curt said.

When we went back, we walked to his car. what.. if my parents find out?" I ask. " I don't know.. but there also spy's so they can't do anything." Curt said. I nod. When we came home we sit down on the couch. " wanna wach a movie?" He ask. " yhea.." I say. He's so sweet. " I.. I pay you back when.." " no, it's okay.. stay as long you need." He say. " thanks.. I really appreciate that " I smile. " so tell.. more about yourself.. like did you ever have a relationship? " i ask. " yes.. but it was nothing.. I.. I didn't like here.. I'm gay." He said. " that's okay.. because.. I actually.. like you.." I say. He smile at me. Than we press our lipps together. I look him in the eyes and smiled. " so what do you think?" He ask. " yhea, we can try." I smilie and kiss him agian.

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