16|| It's his turn

Start from the beginning

Hinata surprise at this states, "Really?! I've always heard how she's been winning competitions since she entered archery in high school."

"If I hadn't seen her skills, I wouldn't had believe that claim," Takumi could only sigh before picking up his sandwich. He takes a few bites before Oboro starts a new conversation.

"I've recently heard that your class president won the chess tournament," Oboro slyly mentions before picking a piece of cutlet up with her chopsticks. Takumi, a very excited Takumi bounce up at her words, "Yeah he did! It was too bad I couldn't go watch him."

Hinata smile pitifully at the fact Oboro had tricked him into speaking. She normally doesn't do this but it seems like today is the day. At first Hinata was worried why Oboro pushed Takumi so far when she's usually docile but he guess she was also pushing herself. Hinata loves both of them and if he had to choose-

"Stop smiling," Takumi frowns before taking a bite of his lunch. Hinata is slightly surprise to see the sweet, unyielding smile Oboro has decorating her face. Is it wrong to say he was relieved?

"Do you romantically like him Takumi?" Oboro asks but to Hinata it was like she was telling his friend the obvious truth they all know.

"No way in hell do I am in l-lov..." His friend hastily answers before quickly whispering, "With that nerd."

Oboro frowns and Hinata knows why. She doesn't want Takumi to be like her, having a unquenched love without trying. She presses on, "You shouldn't lie to yourself. You even said you wanted to see him play."

At this point Takumi is blushing as hard as a tomato and admits, "Fine! You smoked me out! Yeah I-I think he's l-li-likable... But I'm sure he's not into men..."

As he finishes his words, Hinata can see the recognizable pattern of dread filling his face before cooling to a pale color. His face falls just like how Oboro used to do. But that isn't the face the two friends both want on Takumi's, so she chuckles, "Takumi you're a wonderful person and you still are. I'm sure you can ask for his preference when you meet him."

Hinata can feel her pink eyes on him but he knows already that he can interfere, "Yeah that's right Takumi! There's nothing wrong in doing that. Though I'm not good with words I still think you're always someone we both love and admire. I'm confident he sees you in the same way."

Takumi remains silent before turning his head downward and whispers, "Thanks Oboro. Thanks Hinata."

Then a question dawns onto Hinata which of course he'll ask, "Oboro how did you know about the chess tournament? I thought you paid no attention to that?"

"I remember Takumi mentioning it ever so often so I looked into it. I found that, Leo de Nohr participated. You know, that blond we see Takumi talking to in class," she answers loudly so both Hinata and Takumi can hear.

"Leo is his name? The mystery guy that Takumi mentions sometimes in every conversation we have together," Hinata deduce innocently. If it's that guy it'll be alright, cause even he can see the lingering eyes the other had for Takumi when they come get him for lunch. Oboro must had caught that as well or else they wouldn't even be having this conversation.

"Uh..." Takumi quietly says before standing up abruptly. "Lunch is about to end we should go back."

Hinata couldn't see his face but could tell that he's in a hurry. Not understanding why, Oboro giggles and packs her stuff and Hinata followed. They all left the courtyard and enter back into the building. Hinata and Oboro waves at Takumi before splitting from him. When they were finally alone Oboro slips her hand into Hinata's and he whispers, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry. You're a keeper," she squeezes his hand in reassurance. "I'm alright now, oh and Hinata?"

"Hm?" Hinata hums in question as they still walk hand in hand.

"I love you."

Hinata smiles and leans in close and whispers, "I love you too."

Author's Notes:You must be wondering, "Where the ship I was on?!" Well

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Author's Notes:
You must be wondering, "Where the ship I was on?!" Well...
Haha I promise the next chap will have them. I promise!

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