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I know there is no perfect guy out there.
Cause you're not perfect
So that's fair

You look in the mirror
Thinking why can my face be beautiful and clear

You tell yourself you are ugly
Because you dont have money

You tell yourself that you arent worth anything
But there is always someone who you are their everything

That person looks at you and smiles
Because they think you are worth walking all those miles

That person thinks of you
When they are blue
Because by you being yourself
help them through

That person stares
Because they like you for you and wish you were theirs

So nobody is unpleasant
Cause they arent in a pageant for life to be pretty
As a contestant

Everyone is beautiful is their special ways
They just have to accept it.

And as you grow
You will learn
That there is a Romeo
For every Juliet.


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