Chapter Eleven: The Bleachers

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You guys, I'm back! I hope you like this chapter! This was not what I had planned for this chaper, but I'm happy with it reguardless! Go on! READ!! <3

"Time is Ticking" 

Chapter Eleven


            “Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…” I sighed in my desk, glancing at Ray from the side.

            “Please stop saying that.” I groaned quietly at him.

            Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock… The rhythm was already on my mind as I looked at the clock that would soon trigger the bell to let us all out for lunch.

            “What’s wrong Evan?” Ray whispered innocently at me. I looked at his big green eyes and debated on whether I should tell him or not. In the middle of my mental debate the bell rang, jolting me out of my thought process.

            “Nothing, I’m fine.” I muttered as I packed up my things. I could still feel his eyes on my downward tilted head and I sighed inwardly.

            It’s gonna be a long day.

            “Common Evan, you’re super pale and your eyes are brown.” Ray pressed as I glanced around the cafeteria to see if I saw Luka anywhere.

            “I know they are; they have been since I was born…” I mumbled with a twinge of annoyance dripping from my lips.

            “Not the mention the spot you missed straightening your hair this morning…” He huffed. I reflexively ran a hand through the back of my head as I have been this morning, hoping to comb out the curls that I’d carelessly left to run free while the others were forced into the perfect line up. “And Luka’s already at the table, as usual.”

            I spun away from him and went on my way to take my rightful spot next to Luka. I smiled at him, glad to see that after two weeks, he’s finally accepted my presence again. He shyly smiled back, looking back at his tray of nothing but a bottle of water and a bag of chips. I bumped him playfully on the shoulder chuckling at his cute face of surprise he made.

            “Luka, fix your puppy.” Ray plopped down in the seat across from the two of us, glaring at me slightly from the corner of his eye.  I could tell that he was more curious than mad. He was like that, always got even more wondrous even when he should be furious.

            Luka glanced at my tray and then back at my face, his brow furrowed in the demand for an explanation. Looking at my own tray I realized it was lacking in quantity. I supposed that that was the reason to why he looked at my tray so strangely.

            Instead of the usual pile of junk, I’m not feeling the whole ‘carefree’ thing today, so I settled on a couple things of orange juice and a few select fruit. I looked over at Luka slightly and just shrugged.

            “I ate a lot for breakfast this morning.” I lied. I didn’t eat breakfast today, or yesterday, but they didn’t notice a difference because yesterday was Sunday and I stayed inside all day.

            Luka looked at me skeptically and huffed, popping open his bag of chips and shoving one in his mouth. I glanced at Ray, who was eyeing us with a unique look in his eye, one that I only catch once and awhile. I don’t know what it means yet though.

            “What’s with the peculiar look?” I asked him. He blinked, as if caught off guard.

            “What’s with the peculiar mood?” He shot back, the hint of playfulness in his voice. I sighed, not in the mood to play his little games today. I caught him frown, and I frowned back, looking at Luka as he obliviously sipped on his water, looking at us back and forth. He blinked and grinned shyly, looking away from the both of us.  “Oh…” Ray muttered with a breath. I took a bite out of the apple on my tray, sorting through the rolling thoughts in my head about my decision.

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