"Baby boy, I love you so much. But please don't cry, you're perfect. Everybody messes up, don't worry." He whispers. I kiss him softly, sniffling. He kisses my cheek lightly, nuzzling my neck. I wipe my eyes and rest my head on his chest.

"Can you sing to me, master?" I ask softly. He smiles and nods, kissing my temple. He starts to sing Oxygen by Crown The Empire, playing with my hair. Once he finishes the song, I kiss his chin softly.

"I used to be in that band." He chuckles.

"I know." I blush. He shakes his head, smiling.

"You're too cute." He says, going to kiss my cheek. I turn my head so his lips meet mine instead, a soft giggle falling.


Well, that kiss turned into a heated make out session... then sex. We're cuddling on his office couch under the blanket he has in there, him asleep behind me. He's been having nightmares recently, and I've had to calm him down, like now.

"Babe... baby!" He says in his sleep.

"Shhh, master I'm here." I whisper, kissing his temple softly. He calms down and snuggles into me. I haven't slept in a few days, but he doesn't know. He holds me close, waking up. I pretend to be asleep, holding the stuffie he grabbed for me.

"I love you, baby boy." He whispers in my ear. I stay silent, feeling him lift me up and walking out of the room. He sets me down on the bed, and I flutter my eyes open, stretching.

"Hey there, hot stuff." He says softly with a light chuckle.

"Merh..." I sound, rubbing my eyes and curling back up.

"Go back to sleep, love. I have to go to the store, okay?" He tells me. I nod and yawn, snuggling into the blankets before falling asleep.


I sit in the bathroom, shaking and crying as I drag the blade across my wrist. Danny's little, the girl who I though was my friend, just raped me. Yes, she did it to me, not the other way around. I could get her off, she had me tied up.

"What the fuck!?" I scream, sobbing.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Danny asks, concern in his voice. I cry, unlocking the door and dropping the blade.

"Just let me die, please!" I sob.

"Asher... why did you do this?" He says, shutting the door and pulling me up.

"I-I, I can't tell you. You'll hate me!" I sob. He begins to clean my arm, applying antibiotic and wrapping it with a bandage.

"It's either you explain it to me, or explain it to Benn. If you tell me, I'll talk to him. If not, you're on your own." He says.

"H-harlee... she, she raped me.." I whisper.

"She, what?" He asks, stunned.

"She fucking raped me, okay?! She touched me in places nobody but me or Benn should and she made me do stuff to her that I'd never ever want to!" I yell.

"Oh... oh my god..." He whispers, pulling me into a hug. I cry into his chest, tears flowing down my cheeks. He walks me to his room, shutting the door. Harlee went home, so for now it's me and Danny. 

"I-I tried to stop her, she had me tied up!" I cry, showing him my rope burned ankles and wrists. He bites his lip, laying me down.

"I'll call Benn." He says, doing so. I sniffle, nodding.

"Hey, Benn? You've gotta get home." Danny tells him.

"Why, what's wrong? Is that Asher crying? What happened?!" He asks.

"Just get home!" Danny groans.

"Alright, I'm just pulling in now." He says.

"Come to my room." Danny says before hanging up. Soon enough Benn is in the room, pulling me into his arms.

"What happened, why is your arm wrapped?" Benn asks frantically.

"I-I... Danny you explain..." I say shakily.

"So I heard him screaming at himself, so I go to the bathroom and find him cutting his arm. I asked why and..." He takes in a deep breath, "...and Harlee raped him."

"She what?!" Benn screams. I managed to get out of his arms, running away and hiding in a closet. I cut off our mind link and stay silent. I hear him sigh from outside the door, do I go into the crawlspace I found.

"Asher, come out here." He says, a hint of anger in his voice. I decide to do as he says, stepping out and shaking like a leaf.

"Master, I tried to stop her but she tied me down! Look!" I cry, showing him the burns.

"Hey, hey," He whispers, crouching down to my short height, "I'm not mad at you. I'm upset about you cutting but that's not the main focus. I understand that part, why you did it."

"It's my fucking fault!" I scream, pounding on his chest and trying to get away. He just holds me, and eventually I give up and cry.

"Shhh, shhh, I've got you." He whispers. Tears continue to fall down my cheeks, sobs falling.

"I tried, Benn, I tried!" I cry. He picks me up and walk to the bedroom, gasping as he sees a whip, my clothes, ropes and other things all over. I  look away and cry into his chest.

"Ash, baby I'm so sorry." He says. He takes the ropes off the bed frame, picking up all the sex toys and stuffing them into a box in the back of the closet. He then takes all the covers off, something hitting the floor. I pick it up, smiling lightly.

"Hey, I found your wedding ring that you thought you lost..." I mumble. He smiles wide and slides it on. I wipe my face with my sleeve before sniffling and grabbing new sheets, setting them up. Benn picks me up, spinning me around before setting me onto the bed.

"Asher, promise me you'll never do this again?" He begs. I nod, wiping my eyes. He grabs me his letterman jacket from when he was in high school, letting me put it on. I snuggle into it, looking down. Benn kneels in front of me, taking my hands and kissing them.

"Ya know... she could've at least cleaned up after..." I say. He smiles and shakes his head, kissing my knuckles.

"Listen, I'm going to be a lot more protective and cautious with you. You probably won't like it, but I need you to understand that you can't get hurt. If you're hurt, I feel the pain. I need you to stay safe so neither of us are in pain." He says. I nod, hugging him.

"But I like it when you're really protective..." I sniffle.

"Thats a plus." He tells me, wiping my eyes. I lean up, kissing his lips softly.

"I love you, Benn. B-but..  I don't think I can be in that kind of relationship after that..." I say.

"Hey, I understand. We can be two husbands, just loving eachother." He tells me, kissing my lips.

"Thanks, Benn." I whisper.

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