"A seven month rebound? You should know me better than that. I loved you and I still do. Do you not think it kills me to see you with other guys? I know that you are very close in starting a relationship with Ed. Don't you fucking deny it. Did you ever love me? It should take you longer than a fucking month to get over someone you loved." He says through his teeth with tears spilling down his face.

"I do still love you Louis! But I'm trying to get over you! Ed is trying to help me! He is the only one that will fucking listen to me and all my problems! My Mom will call me a slut and Erica and Harry are too obsessed with each other that I can't ever get a moment to talk to her without Harry there! Ed is my rock right now and I'm sorry," I sob/yell. I probably look like an ugly mess right now, but I don't even care.

"Carson, we could still try to work this out. I love you more than anything and I just made a fucking mista-" I cut him off before he can go further.

"No Louis! I didn't come here to get back together! I needed closure. I need to move on and so do you. We don't belong together or else you wouldn't have cheated," I continue crying and Louis tries to come and comfort me like he used to. I shove his chest with all my strength and he stumbles back.

"Fine. This might be your closure, but it's not mine. I love you Carson and I'm going to prove to you that we belong together," He cries. I want to run into his arms and kiss him and comfort him and tell him it's going to be alright, but I can't.

"I'm sorry Louis, I don't think that's possible," I whisper and run out of the room.

I run down the hall past multiple rooms when I hear screaming from a room. I listen and hear Harry and Erica's voice. Guess Mr. and Mrs. Perfect aren't doing so well. I then hear a door slam and see Harry walking towards me. I see tears down his face. "What happened?"

"We just had an argument about us being too clingy. I need air," He mumbles and wipes his tears with the back of his hand.

"You both are extremely clingy, but that shows how much you guys love each other. Trust me, everyone wants a relationship like yours. Go get some air, but don't do anything stupid that you will regret, because you two have something barely anyone else has," I say trying to calm him down so he doesn't do anything to get Erica in my position. I have never seen Harry like this and it's not the best look.

"Thank you," He says then gives me a long hug. He walks over to the elevator and waits for it. "Hey! Can you make sure she is alright in there?"

"Sure," I give him a smile and walk over to their room. Even when they are fucking fighting, he makes sure she is alright. I want that.

I knock on the door to their room and wait for Erica to answer. She opens the door and I see the redness in her eyes from her crying. She lets me in without us speaking and she cuddles back into her bed.

"What happened? You alright?" I ask taking a seat on the bed next to her.

"I'm fine. I'm just stupid," she mumbles.

"What happened?"

She sits up and rests her body against the headboard of their bed. "You know how I hate when someone changes plans on me last minute?" I nod, knowing that if you knew Erica then you learn that quickly. "Well Harry and I made plans to just chill and rest tonight, but then he wanted to go hang out with Grimmy and I got upset. I know it sounds crazy and then he called me clingy and then I called him clingy, because he got a tattoo of my initial....then he said and I quote, "If clingy means that I love you so much that I believe we will be together forever then call my clingy," so he is pissed at me now and I am an idiot," she finishes and checks her phone for the third time.

His Second ChanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя