Orc Attacks and Rescue Missions

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Jordan awoke to the sounds of battle. Swords clanged, bows twanged, and fireballs were wizing around the battle field. He got up, turned, and he saw the weirdest thing ever. Hobbits fighting Goblins in the shire, and everything was on fire. And then he woke up, he was in a cave. He looked around; the only people around him were rangers... Wait Rangers! Jordan realized this was NOT his bedroom. Clearly the rangers were surprised at his appearance too. They began speaking in elvish to each other, clearly believing that Jordan did not understand it. But he did understand it, every single word.

"Who is this man?" The first one said in elvish.

"I haven't the faintest idea; it would appear that he appeared out of nowhere." The second replied in Elvish.

"Any idea what his name is?" The third said in Elvish.

"My name's Jordan." Jordan said in Elvish.

The three rangers paused for a minute; obviously they had not known he spoke Elvish. Jordan took the minute they were spending to think to look at the rangers. He couldn't identify two of the Rangers, but the third was Strider, Jordan knew who he was in a second. The Rangers began speaking again.

"I'm sorry; we assumed you did not speak Elvish. Obviously that is not the case." Strider said.

"So, may we ask who you are and how you got here?" The second ranger said.

"I'm Jordan, Jordan Frye. And as for how I got here I have absolutely no idea." Jordan said.

"You are strangely dressed and strangely named." The third ranger said.

"This is a strange place, and you are strange people." Jordan said.

"Fair enough, let us look in your satchel and see what you are." Strider said.

Jordan opened his satchel, and peaked inside. There were a ton of papers, a harp, and a red cloak with the Venturian symbol on the emblem. Jordan himself was wearing his Venturian t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and sneakers.

"So you're a Minstrel." Strider said.

"It would appear that way." Jordan said.

"As much as I dislike it you are in as much danger as we are." Strider said.

"What happened?" Jordan asked.

"Orcs are on their way; they know we're here." The second ranger said.

"Do you know how to play the harp?" Strider asked him.

"Yeah, I learned a while ago. So what exactly does a Minstrel do?" Jordan said.

"You channel magical powers and abilities through song, begin playing a song and sing a little verse and it should have an effect on the enemy. If I recall positive is healing and negative is harmful." The third ranger said.

"Thanks, I'll try that." Jordan said.

"They are coming, prepare yourselves." Strider said.

The orcs broke in the cave, Strider slew the first few, and was occupied by two others, the other two rangers were distracted by other orcs, and one came charging at Jordan. He pulled out his harp and tried to think of a song he knew; only one came to mind. He began to play the kids from yesterday on his harp, and began to sing a little.

"Well now this could be the last of all the rides we take." Jordan began.

The orc was confused, and a small spark began to form above him. Jordan continued his song.

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