Soulmate- Iruka Lemon/Baby daddy

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I left to find my parents eleven years ago. I was always curious to who I belonged to, who was responsible for my life, and who I favored me: my mom or dad. I was able to locate them in Iwagakure. I spent those eleven years living in the Land of Earth living with my parents. I favored my mother more than anyone. I had her green eyes, golden hair, and her laugh. In those years of living there I had made friends. This boy Deidara and this girl Kurotsuchi. Deidara left two years into me being in the village. He blew up a few monuments up and fled. Kurotsuchi and I stayed friends for the remaining nine years.

Though I had her I never forgot one friend I had back in my old village: Iruka Umino. We were the bestest of friends when I was in the village. Besides Lord Third, I was the only person he had after his parents died. People would call him weird and asked why I hung out with him. I would tell them he's more than a victim to me. Telling him I was leaving for a few years was the hardest thing to do.

"When will you be back?" Iruka asked. I could tell he was upset. He didn't take his eyes off the distant sky.

"In a few years." I replied.

"Years!" He yelled.

I giggled and poked the scar on his nose. "You'll be okay. I promise I'll come back. I just need to know who my parents are. Lord Third has given me permission to search for them." I lightly smiled.

He smiled back and hugged me. "Promise you won't forget me, Ayana."

"I promise." I returned the hug.

I was now back in the Leaf Village. 'I didn't forget you like I promised. Do you remember me?" I questioned in my head. I walked towards the gates finally entering the village I was always meant to be in. Nostalgic sights came to my eyes the moment I entered the gates. The same look of leaves falling in the fall, the same cheerful people roaming the streets. I was pulled out of my thoughts when a blonde boy came running past me making me drop my bags and trip over them falling straight on my back and onto the dirt-filled ground. The man chasing him stopped seeing me and walked up to me. "I'm so sorry." The man said.

"It's not a problem. I'm a natural klutz." I laughed and grabbed the hand the man extended towards me. I dusted myself off and grabbed my bags. I looked up to thank the man and realized who it was because of the scar on his nose. "Iruka?


"Yeah!" I dropped my bags and hugged him. He returned the hug immediately.

"When did you get back?"

"Seeing as I still have my bags here, just now." I laughed. "You've changed." I said. He was noticeably taller than me and he had the Shinobi vest on. We forgot about the boy who ran past me and started catching with each other as we walked to the an apartment building for me to get a room. While talking I noticed something I didn't before. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I was wanting to talk all night with him. Did I come to like him more than just a friend? I pushed the thought out of my head wanting to hear more from him. "I'm going to guess you're married." I said.

"No, not yet. I have a girlfriend though." Him saying that made my stomach drop. I took that as a sign that I did like him. As a friend I had to be happy for him. I smiled and asked about her. I was actually curious about her. "We met not too long after you left, maybe three months after, she offered to help me to get a ball out of a tree and it took off from there. You would like her. She has a lot in common with you." He seemed genuinely happy to be with her. I asked more questions about her to seem like I wasn't sad.

Her name is Leiko. And I found out she was originally from Yugakure. Her family moved here because of the tourists and the fact a madman killed people then disappeared no one knowing where he was. I could tell he liked her just by the way he talked about her. I was happy for him, that he found someone to admire and share a life with, but I also wanted to be that girl. "I'm being self absorbed right now. Tell me about your trip." He said with the smile that I never forgot.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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