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Quinn: If there was a true thing as immortality and I could live for ever, with out worry of which day would be my last. If I could live that life with out worry, without end, with only one person. That one person out of every family member, every friend I have ever met, every person I would like to meet. I would spend forever with Rhailey. But I don't need a real immortality, I only need the life I have. Every minute I spend with her seems like forever. And it is all I need. All I want.

Rhailey: Quinn is the only light in my life. If I were to die, there wouldn't be a faint light somewhere in the distance opening the pearly gates of heaven. Nor would the light be fiery red closing me into the gates of hell. But there, he would stand, smiling, and bright eyed, whispering into what would be my ear "come back my love, I need you, come back to me. It isn't your time. They don't need you. But I, I need you."

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