2. But I Want You To Stay <3

Start from the beginning

"No fair!! This should be against the rules!!" She yelled. I grinned.

"I win." I said. She rolled her eyes and I let go. I stood up and dusted myself off then sat on the block. 

"Who wants to go up next?" Mrs. Jalie asked. Damon smirked and raised his hand. Asshole... "Damon, go on up." He smiled and walked up. He tried to kiss my cheek. I put my hand up again.

"Jerk." I muttered. 

"Remember, the start of this scene must be different." Damon smiled and nodded. I gave a thumbs up. "Action."

"I'm done with you Damon." I said and forced a tear to roll down my cheek. "I need to go." I started to walk off.

"No! I'm sorry! I want you to stay." He called after me. I shook my head.

"But I need to go." He walked to me.

"But I want you to stay." I could see hurt in his eyes.

He’s just acting Audrey...

"But I need to go." I said. Damon frowned.

"But I want you to stay." I walked to the other side.

"But I need to go!" Damon followed me.

"But I want you to stay!" I turned to face him and glared.

"But I need to go."

"But I want you to stay." He grabbed my hand. I felt my it tingle at his touch. I hesitated.

"But I need to go." I finally said. But made no move to take away my hand. He leaned forward and gave me a gentile kiss on my cheek. I gasped and put my hand up. I wanted his lips back right there.

"But I want you to stay." He said softly and leaned his forehead against. I stayed there for a few seconds and tried to get my words together.

"B-but I w-want to... go!" I pulled away from him and ran off stage back to my seat. 

"What was that?" Danni whispered to me. I shook my head. Everyone stared at me. Mrs. Jalie sighed.

"Who wants to go up with Damon?" He shook his head.

"I don’t want to do it again." Damon said and sat down at his seat. He stared at me.


I walked home in the cold. Danni and Nicki went home already, but I stayed after to talk to Mrs. Jalie.  I shivered and kept walking. I picked the right day to wear flats, a skirt and a short sleeved shirt. I kept walking.

"At least it’s not raining." I muttered. As if on cue it started pouring. I looked up at the sky.

"REALLY?! ARE YOU HAVING FUN UP THERE GOD?! LETS PICK ON AUDREY TODAY." I yelled. A black car pulled up and the window rolled down.

"Need a ride?" Damon asked. I glared.

"I don't take rides from strange men." I said and kept walking. Damon sighed and pulled his car to the side of the street. 

"Come on Audrey, your gonna get sick." He walked after me. I shrugged.

"I don't care." I said. He grabbed me and turned me around.

"Stop it!" I shouted. He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. I shrugged it off and he put it back on.

"I'm sorry about everything Audrey. Please forgive me?" I shook my head.

"No...." He sighed and we locked eyes. He stared at me for a while and eventually started to lean in. I looked at his lips and leaned in too. Our lips met and he kissed me. I stood there and eventually brought my hand up to touch his face. He grabbed mine and kissed me gently. Then my eyes shot open and I realized what we were doing.

"Stop!" I pulled away. He tried to kiss me again and I pushed him. 

"Audrey..." He said stroking my hair. "Please give me another chance? I promise I won't be such an ass anymore. We can go back to Mystic Falls..."

"No." I said.

"We can stay here than." I felt a tear run down my cheek. 

"NO!" I pushed him away completely and ran home. I heard him calling after me but I didn't care.


Stefan, I love you, but imma killll you! 

I sent the message and waited for him to reply. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water. My laptop dinged.

What did I do? 

Guess who showed up at my school today?

Bill Clinton?

Stefan, this isn't funny! Damon waltzed in this morning, having my same exact schedule!

So that’s where he was....

Is he home?

Let me check.


I took a sip of my water.

Yeah he’s upstairs... Why would he go across the country and come back?

Idk? He’s Damon. How did he find me?

I probably left my laptop open on your page. Sorry.

I sighed.

That’s okay. At least he probably gave up.

I got up and layed down on the couch, covering my eyes with a pillow. Why would Damon drive across the country?

He's Damon. It’s what he does. My laptop dinged again. I got up and looked at it

Audrey, Its Damon. He’s not gonna give up.

Oh god... YOUR back.- Damon Salvatore Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now