To My Mark

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This is my first time writing in third person let's see how this works. Fyi this is not very good and some words are used over and over I hope you can deal with it till I have time to edit.

Mark is a patient looking for a cure.

Jinyoung is a writer working for a doctor and looking for a bit of inspiration.

Third person: Jinyoung

Jinyoung took a deep breath before pushing open the doors to an office. The office walls were plain white bricks, the floor brown wood, that didn't make much sense to Jinyoung. He shook his head to get rid of his rude thoughts and focused more on the bookshelfs placed on each wall, the huge window that gave Jinyoung such a beautiful view of the city, and the two chairs that faced a black desk. He walked over to one of the chairs and sat down in it. Looking up from the ground he locked eyes with a very professional looking man wearing a white lab like coat,"You are Jinyoung correct?" Jinyoung nodded at the man, scared to break the silence in the room he spoke lightly as he responded,"Ne, I am Jinyoung. It is a pleasure to meet you sir." Standing up quickly he bowed and sat back down, the man at the desk chuckled,"Please don't call me sir, the name is Dr. Kim."

"Yes of course!" Jinyoung quickly responded, he was quite jumpy today. Dr.Kim looked down at a paper on his desk and smiled,"It seems you want to be a writer, but yet you are here in my office to work as a nurse?" Jinyoung quickly nodded,"Yes I even have experience and my mother was a nurse as well." Jinyoung spoke as if he had memorized a script he had written, the doctor found him to be very driven,"Well I cant say no now can I? You're hired."

Jinyoung's eyes widened tell they were at least double in size,"Really sir-I mean Dr.Kim?" He was really surprised that he got the job so easily,"Yes, you have enough experience and it seems you are nice enough to take care of patients, so I've decided to give you a chance." Practically jumping up from his seat Jinyoung smiled brightly,"Thank you Dr.Kim! I can start working tomorrow!"


Jinyoung picked up his white uniform with a smile, it was officially his first day of work and he couldn't be anymore excited to see his first patient. Every since he was young Jinyoung had a passion for writing, and it was still his main passion, but he also had a passion for helping people, and this was the second best thing he could be so he was going to be it the best he could.

A tap on his shoulder made Jinyoung turn away from the uniform hanger, his eyes meet with a woman's as she smiled at him,"So you are the new worker? Don't you look happy to be here." She spoke happily before going down to a whisper,"But between you and me, every other nurse looks ready to become a patient themselves." Jinyoung giggled lightly, this woman seemed nice. He immediately stuck his hand out,"My name is Jinyoung." The woman laughed,"Oh I know! You have a name tag silly, my name is Tiffany but call me Tiff." They shook hands and talked about random things while walking down the skinny hallway of the hospital.

Tiffany came to a stop in front of the Doctor who had hired Jinyoung the day before,"Well hello there you two, I see you've made a friend Jinyoung! I have your first patients if you don't mind, they are waiting out side in the waiting room so just go out and call their name." Dr. Kim greeted and handed them both a clipboard before quickly walking away, Tiffany sighed,"Well I feel the love." Looking confused Jinyoung gave her a look, making her laugh,"That's my soon to be husband, I know he isn't that good looking." Laughing quietly Jinyoung looked down to his clipboard.

Patient: Wang Jackson
Problem: broken arm
Room: #235

Jinyoung was shocked at how little information there was on a patient, he heard Tiffany groan from beside him,"Are you serious?! I got the same patient! This guy hates me! Hey Jinyoung!" Eyes going wide Jinyoung turned to Tiffany and saw her using puppy eyes,"Can we switch patients?! Pretty please?" Blinking Jinyoung nodded slowly, how bad could a patient be that they had to switch? Tiffany squealed in joy before handing Jinyoung her clipboard and taking his.

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