December 1st 2013.

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I'm on my sofa watching a movie all I can really think about is how it's gonna feel and how I'm gonna react when I finally meet the band, oh and Riker my favorite. I know I know they are all amazing but there is just something about Riker.

The first time I saw him was on the the show called glee, he was on the warblers (Dalton academy) I was so taken by him at first glance that I just had to find out more about him, so I went on the movie database typed in Glee and the cast list came up at that point I had no idea what his name was but I knew the face I was looking for so as soon as I found out his name I typed it in on YouTube.

After a while of searching a band came up called R5 and this was in 2011 so a good 2-2,5 years ago but anywho I clicked on the video and I saw him with Ross, I knew who Ross was from the Disney show Austin and Ally, from that moment on it just went in from there I kept searching video upon video of this band R5 and I just fell more and more in love with the whole band. I found their twitter and followed them and their mom and dad and boomansworld witch is as far as I know one of the managers.

Since then I've tried to go see them if they were somewhere close, this summer I was suppose to go to London too see them had the tickets for the show but when I was about to get a flight ticket there was none that I could get, later I just kinda forgot about it, but it behind me but still listened to their music cause they are so awesome.

Today at this moment I am getting antsy I just wanna go see them I wanna meet the band that make me smile that give me a reason to believe that THEY wanna meet me, so now that I've got meet and greet and concert tickets I just want it to be 2014 feb 12th so I can go meet my idols and my sweet Riker Lynch ❤️✌️😎

My R5 experince!! (Non fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang