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*Author's Note: A sequel to Armageddon: A Skyward Sword Story, and Zant bugged me in this game so I changed him up a bit. Hope you don't mind. Anyway... have a great adventure! <3

The cool forest air hit your lungs, sending millions of memories swarming back into your mind. Faron woods had changed so much since you last set foot here. More trees had been seeded in the underbrush, making the forest darker, older and much more magical. Fresh springs had popped up in the middle of nowhere, now cascading in beautiful shades of crystal blue over the rocks. Your steed let out a short whinny at he caught wind of the smells of Ordon Village and a good place to rest.

You patted his neck, fiddling with his mane, "I know, boy. We're almost there."

Sighing as sad memories of flying about with your loftwing came back, butterflies started to creep into your stomach. It had been such a long time since you saw Link, you wondered what he would say when he saw you... That was if he was still alive. You were pretty sure he was. If you were, he should be too. You can't blame yourself for being nervous though, after all... a few centuries had passed since you left! You were never sure why, but you assumed it had to do with being the goddess' chosen heroine. You didn't age like the rest of the people of Skyloft. It happened much slower, but at least you had gotten through puberty.

Your curves had become more defined, along with your height and your features. You were a woman now. And if Link had the same aging process as you did, you expected he would be a man. The hardest part about living through a few centuries was watching the world change rapidly around you. People you cared about had children of their own, grew old and eventually perished. Friends and ways of life. Loftwings had slowly become extinct as far as you knew, so you adopted the new way of travel. On horseback. (horse/name) was very loyal, and you wouldn't trade him for the world, but the feeling of flight upon a bird was something to be missed.

Rounding the corner, you finally could see the mossy rooftops of Ordon, a village you were sure you'd probably never see again. It was the first settlement down on 'the Surface' as everyone used to call it back then, not Hyrule as it's formally known as now. The people of Skyloft decided to live on the earth after you had bested Demise, creating their own village. To your surprise, it hadn't changed much since you left all those years ago. You would've at least expected it to grow to the size that Castle Town had.

Trotting through the forest path towards the first house, you caught someone's attention as they stooped over a small garden patch, "Excuse me. Does Link still live here?"

The older man continued to pull every weed he could find without taking a single glance at you, "Indeed he does."

You nodded to yourself at his response, finally able to brush away at least one fear. He was still alive! "Wonderful, so... Do you know where I might find him?"

"Eh... Right about now, he's usually herding the goats up at the farm..." He sat back on his knees to wipe the sweat from his brow and crack his back, "It's up that'a way..." he pointed towards a long grassy path towards an open field, "Say... I know you don't I?"

You chuckled, "Oh, no. I haven't been in this area for many years! And thank you, by the way!" You gave (h/n) a small nudge forward.

"No problem, miss!" The man smiled as you took off towards the farm.

The rhythm of your heart started to beat faster and faster as you neared the barn. You weren't quite sure what to expect. Slowing your steed to a stop, you jumped down and leaned on the wooden fence, trying to spot Link in the field. Your breath caught sharply in your throat and was shakily let loose as you set your eyes upon your long forgotten friend. Sitting alone among the tall grass gazing dreamily into the sky, Link's golden hair fell into his deep blue eyes. Those eyes. You could get lost in those eyes. It was like looking into the twilight sky when the first light of the stars started to shine. He had gotten older since you last saw him, and only more handsome. It was the look of a man. It was then the guilt started to flood your heart.

What were you supposed to say after all these years? Sucking up your courage you bit your lip and called out to him, "Hello, Link."

"Oh hey... uh..." He turned his head to face you and his grin disappeared, letting his eyes grow wide and his jaw drop in awe, "___?!" He quickly got to his feet, not quite sure what to do.

Smiling warmly, you hoped it would reflect the ages of apologies you've concocted just for this moment as you slipped between the gap in the fence, "Link... I..."

Before you could try and stutter your apology, Link had burst into a full sprint towards you and embraced you warmly. Closing your eyes and trying to keep the tears from spilling down your cheeks, you let him hold you tightly. It was like he was afraid to let you go in fear of loosing you again, "I can't believe it's really you!... I've missed you so much!" He choked on his words.

His voice caused your emotions to overwhelm you as you buried your face into his neck in tears, "I've missed you too, Link. So, so much!"

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