Let It Detonate, Baby

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-3rd person POV-
Two S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W leaders had grabbed Girl and were slipping a Drac mask over her head. But it wouldn't end this way. She wouldn't be contained. That's what BLI had tried to do—contain the fire burning inside of her. All around them, chaos reigned. Down in the droid district—the Lobby—DESTROYA was at work freeing the captives it had been prophesied to rescue. Now, it was her turn. This was her way to fight. Not with guns, but with an explosion that would rattle the stars.

The S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/Ws jumped away from Girl as a white matter rose from her core, encased in a golden glow of light. Slowly, it began to rise into the air. Girl rose a few inches with it. The glow grew brighter and brighter, until it was as hot and blinding as the ball of radiation in the sky. Once it rose above the entire city, the ascent stopped. All fighting ceased as heads turned to gaze upon this brilliant new development. And then...


It was a noise that shook the earth to its very core. A sound that woke the dead. Literally. All around Battery City and all over the Zones, small blurbs of ghostly white light began to rise from the ground and shoot into the sky. That BOOM fried off Draculoid masks and allowed the people inside to become free once again. It caused S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/Ws to drop their weapons and tear off their masks as well.

Instead of light leaving the bodies of the BLI soldiers, it entered them instead. Their souls were returning. A collective cheer rose up from all around, almost as deafening as the BOOM, but not quite. Girl's body drifted to the ground, and a white blurb of light in the shape of a human emerged from her as well. She sat up in a bit of a daze, trying to get her bearings. She was in Battery City, formerly known as the city where Better Living Industries had began its reign of ruthless control. But none of that mattered now. All that mattered was that they were free. Finally free.

A/N: Top picture used from the final issue of the Killjoy comics, BOOM

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A/N: Top picture used from the final issue of the Killjoy comics, BOOM.

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