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You guessed it, this is the official friendship chapter!

In this section you can comment a paragraph about yourself, comment on someone else's asking to be friends (if you think they're cool) and make friends.

I'll put mine below and if any of you want to be my friend then don't hesitate to ask.

Hello I'm Carter and I'm 15. I like dip dyeing my hair although I only occasionally do it so I don't ruin my hair.

My favourite colour is lilac. My favourite foods are melon and pizza. I'm a huge protect the environment enthusiast. One time they were going to take one of the only parks in my area away so I chained myself to a tree, literally hugging it and they eventually let us have the park.

My favourite movies are the perks of a wallflower and monsters inc. I adore teen wolf and the vampire diaries. My favourite actor is Joe keery and my favourite actress is probably Danielle Campbell or Shelley hennig.

Well, I hope you enjoyed those couple paragraphs about me. I know I'm boring but I hope someone will want to be my friend.

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