i'm a vampire and his blood really stinks!

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I'm a vampire and his blood really stinks!

So I've been reading a whole bunch of vampire stories online and I've noticed that all of the vampires are guys. So we need some girl ones. This is my first story so I hope it comes out okay! :D btw I don't like cuss words but I find they add flavor to the text, so I will be replacing them with words that have the same meaning.

So just to get this straight, I'm a vampire, but I've never seen a human before, besides on TV of course. (Sure I drink their blood, but my family usually only drinks animal blood due to the small town we live in where everyone would notice that that person who lives 2 doors down whose cat is evil is missing. Why don't we just move to the city? My parents are so freaked that if I ever meet humans I would become ravenous and start becoming a bloodaholic. But I actually hate human blood. I have no idea why, it just has this really gross smell that makes me want to barf. Therefore I drink animal blood, except when it's a bad year and the populations are low then I'm forced to drink that gross gunk. I always tell my parents this, but they think I'm just crazy and have had too much blood in my system and I'm drunk on blood. Whenever I do drink human blood though, my parents bring it to my in a cup. BLech, plastic and human blood?) As for my never seeing a human, I live in the middle of the biggest forest of nowhere. Supposedly, no human lives around us for at least 30 miles. According to my parent's fears, I can't go to school and am tutored at home by a 'governess', Annabelle, but Annie for short. She's my best friend and I love her. Well... loved her. Since my parents are not only vampires, but also on some important vampire council thingymababer, we have people coming by all the time and one of them the hot single council man who stole her heart. Not literally. I hate her now that she's leaving me for her beloved Derek.


I looked outside and saw Annie coming out of her black Porsche that Derek bought for her. That thief, stealing what's mine. I really had hoped that Annie would have more sense and not fall for his charming manners or hot looks (which made me gag) but she was blinded by his charms. I really liked him, but before he stole Annie. He is actually the youngest on the council and is one of my other best friends. He knows I will forgive him sooner or later. Only because he bought me my own car, a yellow Lamborghini. :)

The door flew open and I saw a ghost. Actually it was Annie, but she looked like a ghost. She was so pale and her flaming red hair stuck out of her head like she got electrocuted. She looked so tired. Well, as tired, pale and hair frizzed a vampire could be. It was her wedding day today and she has been freaking out about it for months making sure everything was perfect. I took one look at her and got really annoyed.

"How am I supposed to work with you looking like poop Annie?" I said exasperated. I was her maid of honor and I had to make her look good. Obviously she wasn't taking good care of herself. She didn't even correct my rudeness. She must be really worn out.

"Let's go get you some blood." I sighed. I flew down the stairs, the sound of wind in my ears. I ran, past people helping out with the wedding, into the kitchen, flung the fridge door open, grabbed the closest red cup and sprinted back up the stairs. To the right of the kitchen I looked out of the window and saw the sun.

"Crud," I thought. The sun was about to come out soon and her wedding was supposed to start at sunrise, to mark a new beginning. I was gone for 3 seconds and found Annie lying on my enormous bed, almost buried by all of the pillows I had. I only found her by her hair; she was almost the color of the white sheets. I pulled her up by the shoulders and tried to get her to drink it. She simply refused to take the cup, so I grabbed her cheeks with one hand to make an opening and poured the blood into her mouth with the other hand. She finally got up gagging and had a coughing fit. She was a very clean eater and not a single drop spilt. I was a pro at this, cuz when she was still dating Derek; she was constantly breaking up with him and became depressed very easily. Force feeding her was the only way I could keep her alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2010 ⏰

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