"Sorry, I didn't mean to get all slushy." I mutter, and he chuckles.

"No, it's totally fine. I like slushy." He states.

Well how else am I supposed to ask you about your deceased father?

Your siblings both have exceptionally busy lives, and here you are, just dangling in the air while they're continuing on like normal, and you're all alone to mope.

"Excuse me?"

"Huh?" I absentmindedly mumble.

"You say that like I don't have a life of my own, Vannah. You couldn't be more wrong."

Shit, I just said that out loud.

"I really need to work on controlling my big mouth, don't I?" I humorously ask, not needing an answer because I know what he's going to say.

"Yes, you do." Brendan laughs, and I smack his arm.

"Hey, I can't help it!" I defensively exclaim, crossing my arms and playfully pouting like a disobedient child.

"I won't be able to help if we get into a wreck because you keep hitting me!" Brendan says boisterously.

After that brief moment, it goes silent for a while as I continue to stare at him. Brendan's completely focused on the road now, and it's almost like he hasn't blinked in forever.

"But I do have my own life, Savannah. It's not like I'm the child who never found anything to do with my future."

"Oh, really? So what does this life of yours consist of?" I ask, slightly teasing him.

"Well, I'm a partner with my mother and your best friend in my father's business. Plus, in between I like to have one night stands with girls who I meet at clubs. Y'know, the usual." He casually says, and my eyebrows shoot up.

What the hell?

Who told you all of that?

My jaw drops as he says that, and I'm surprised that he knows that much about how Logan and I met.

"Woah, who told you all of that?" I ask.

"Not saying." He sneers, and I groan.

"God, are you just gonna keep secrets from me?" I shout, and he tries to suppress his laughter.

"You're cute when you're mad." Brendan adds just to piss me off even more.

It won't be cute when I slap you, will it?

I sigh, desperately trying not to smile, but I can't help it. Brendan just knows how to make me laugh, even when I don't want to.

Brendan's hand continues to rapidly tap on the steering wheel to a beat even though there's no music playing. It's not really awkward, the silence between us, it's actually nice to just stay quiet sometimes.

Once we arrive at the apartment complex, I immediately wake myself up and sit up right in the seat.

"Thanks for dropping me off." I say while unbuckling my seatbelt.

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