figured out, with some curl problems

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the other creepy pastas walked over confused. "who the hell are the tobi???" BEN asked. "Friends!!!! meet my friends!!!!! america might know you guys from internet!!" i said. ten america looked confused.....thinking moment....and.... " HOLY SHIT!!!!! CREEPY PASTA IS REAL!!!!!!! GAAAHHHH!!!" he screamed. i giggled. "Tobi....why do you keep calling them by country names?" Sally asked. "OH!!! thats the other think i was gonna say.... Were all representations of north italy or italy veneziano...." i said. then grabbed Romano. "this is my twin brother romano!!!" i said. for some reason the other creepy pastas looked worried. " LET ME GO IDIOTA FRETALLINO!!!!!" romano screamed at me. i wasnt fazed tho and smirked the smirk i make when im gonna annoy masky. i started poking romano. you could FEEL the angrer radiating off of him. " HEY ROMA! HEY ROMA! HEY ROMA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" i started laughing when he chased me with a stick i left on the floor. " Well, at least he hasnt done that to me so far..." i Heard masky say. " DONT GET YOUR HOPES UP MASKY!!!!!! HEHEHEHEHE- GAK!!!"  i was getting choked out by romano it was pretty fun, especially since i felt no pain. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" i laughed out. then our curls got stuck. well shit.... thats the only place i feel pain. " ow, ow, ow, ow,ow, OWWIE!!!" we both said. "HELP!!!!" we both yelled. Germany sighed. "Seriously italia..... your acting worse then normal..." germany said, sighing.  i frowned then masky walked over and tried touching the curls. romano and i blused brightly, but mostly me cause i may or may not have a minor crush on masky. he touched the knot and i had to bit my lip to stiffle a moan as romano breathed heavily. then they were untied and i fell onto a chair. " sometimes i really hate these curls smetimes...." i said as romno huffed and nodded in agreement.

CREEPYPASTA HETALIA CROSS OVERWhere stories live. Discover now