My Last Days

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It's been 3 years since I began my studies at Manchester. El's already graduated and I'm into my final exams. Funnily enough, I have a rather mixed bunch of friends: some are music students, cultural studies, science. Friends of both genders. Surprisingly. And we're in-dating. Just like in-breeding, but not… breeding, and not blood-related. Very heavy in-dating for the matter. I haven't seen Niall in a while, I haven't even kept up with what's going on with him, but last time I heard they were spreading rumours about girlfriends and stuff. Maybe I've finally shaken him off my tracks. And it wasn't even Demi Lovato, because she couldn't stand the fact that they weren't seen as normal friends, they were always thought of as dating. I'm now known for being a good impersonator, confident with accents. I have my Australian accent down to a science, I'm working on my New Zealand and South African accents though closer to home, I've given up thinking about Scottish and Welsh accents. I can play most pop songs on saxophone or clarinet- I borrow Andrew's sax and clari sometimes ever since I bought myself new mouthpieces and 2 boxes of reeds on short trips back to Hong Kong. My fingerings are getting muddled up, after a while without playing clarinet at all it's a little hazy. The embou- thing, or mouth shape around the mouthpiece in English because that's French, is very different. I've learnt to let go of Niall. I pretend I don't know him. Anything else is crazy. I'm an ordinary girl with no ties to One Direction and very few to Louis Tomlinson, the boy from Doncaster. I occasionally receive a text from him, but that's it. Half the time it's about the boys getting drunk. Really drunk. I wonder what would have happened had I not left them to come to university. Niall's an uncle to a boy, the picture that surfaced all over the internet showed a rather awkward teenager holding a baby and being, well… ecstatic, I can only say. While I'm at it, I might also like to say that I am most likely the only British-born resident to not care about the prince, only weeks younger than Niall's nephew. They might have mentioned a name somewhere, but if they did, I didn't find out about it or pay much attention. I could not think of a worse situation to be in when speaking of political correctness with the royal baby, George Alexander Louis. Maybe except when Charles Darwin came up with his evolution theory. The last time it would not have been good to stand out would be through Henry VIII's rule and that of his eldest daughter. Without being Irish or having links to any particular Irish person for the past 2 almost 3 years, I side with the Irish rebels. When the potato famine occurred, the British could have done something about it, but they didn't. They've always been up themselves, except, according to history, Elizabeth I. I can't think of a monarch I'm very familiar with who was not a big head. Her father, sister and brother were not the best rulers in history either, so she could learn from their mistakes and possibly be the best monarch on England's history. Too many people killed when they could be putting effort to other aspects of your country.

I've been discussing all sorts of things with Jackie and Daniel in particular. I swear every other weekend they try to find a different guy to hit on me. I'm not much different to the girl who said just 3 years earlier that she wanted to join the armed forces for peace keeping in other countries. I still have that part of me at times, but I'm hardly half as violent as I would have been. I still don't know how to flirt either. Now remember how I said they tried to get different guys to hit on me? I didn't like any of them because they were somehow either egotistical, humourless, or just plain annoying. So there went their plan of setting me up with someone around here. It never works setting me up. I don't even want to think about my future in that sense because in my head, I know there isn't hope in hell. I'll have some luck when hell freezes over. The one time you can see another side to me other than the snappy, cynical persona people consider a norm of me is when I'm around children. Otherwise, I tell somewhat inappropriate jokes at time, I like boxing, and I get friend zoned as a general rule of thumb. Not that I'm putting in any effort or thought towards even considering something as preposterous as dating a guy in my friendship circle at all.

I think I've changed a lot. I've done away with some of my old clothes and replaced them with more popular clothes. Not that it means I wear short shorts that the slutty kids wear even in colder weather (when it's not snowing, at least.) I still steer away from pink items when I can, and if I were to answer questions along the lines of qualities in a partner, I'd just say they'd have to be a guy who doesn't friend zone me. Because there's no way in hell I can drag myself out of the friend zone when I would actually want to. It simply isn't a skill I possess. I play football, I have push-up contests with my guy friends with a record that isn't all too bad. Most of the boys I compete with don't regularly train and they're usually lucky to get past 5 or 10 at times. Like them, I do my push-ups on my feet, doing it on your knees I consider a pussy thing. It's part of the generally accepted rules too. You can do it in your own time but you can't lift your hands off the ground though you can readjust if you're slipping. And if I know they train regularly, I try to train with them. My main training partner is Daniel, so close with Jackie you'd think they were going out. But they dismiss it as preposterous. We generally take it with a pinch of salt. Both single, remember. They spend a lot of time alone. Someone, I forgot who it was, had even compared them with Olly and Caroline. After a few videos it was clear to me the reason Jackie had turned bright red. It was quite the ingenious comparison in my opinion. But I don't tell Jackie. It's the only thing I haven't told her apart from my family background and the escape.

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