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Over the next couple days, the cyberbullying got worse, but I tried my best to ignore it. I didn't tell anyone about it, nor did I want to. I was currently sitting at the kitchen counter, trying to eat yogurt while Nick watched me. The rest of his family was off doing their own things today, so it's just the two of us till the evening.

I stared at my 'lunch', smushing my spoon into it. Nick's brown eyes scanned me.

"What's up with you today?" He asked, putting his phone down and I peered up at him from under my lashes. I only gave him a short shrug.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me." I say to him, leaving the bowl to sit on the counter. I get up and trudge into the basement, turning Netflix on right away. I click on some Disney movie and curl myself up under a blanket on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest. I was becoming depressed. I could feel it. The images of the messages played over in my mind.

She only got with Nick because he said he would sleep with her.

She doesn't deserve him.

She'll only drag him into her problems.


I buried my face into the blanket, hearing the movie playing as if it was just background noise for all the things playing in my head.

"There's something you're not telling me." The lights flicked on quickly, and Nick came over to the couch, sitting next to me. I only looked at him with a blank stare, and he shut the tv off. I didn't want to tell him.

"I don't want to drag you into my issues." I whispered to him, my gaze landing on his chest as he sat across from me. I held the stare.

"That doesn't even make sense."

"Yes it does. I don't deserve you. I'm too weak."

"Audrey, look at me," he put his finger under my chin and lifted it so I looked him in the eyes.

"Where's all this coming from? You don't drag me into your 'problems'. I willingly go into them myself. Gladly, in fact. Anything I can do to make you feel better. You know that."

His voice was sincere, his gaze sympathetic. The dam inside me broke, and I began to sob. He pulled me into his chest, shushing into my ear softly, stroking my hair lightly. I breathed into his chest, like I was desperately gasping for air. I listened to his heart beat, calming down a little.

"The messages online, they hurt so bad. I guess I can see why everyone hates me now," I pulled my face, wet with tears, from his shirt and look at him with a trembling lip.

"Because I hate me too."

"Aw, sweetie. Don't. Those people aren't worth it, trust me." He soothed, planting a kiss on my forehead that made me feel better. At least a little bit.

"Ashley said some things too."

I whispered this, not looking at him.

"Then she's not worth it either. Here, I know what'll make you feel better." He grabbed my hand and I jumped off the couch. We went upstairs and he told me to go get ready to go out. I was confused, but did it anyway.

By the time I was done, I was in a simple black dress because why not. I presented myself to him when I went down into the kitchen.

"Where are we going? I hope this is okay." I twirled in my dress.

"It's perfect. Now, let's go."

He took me to our favorite restaurant to go to after school usually. I felt overdressed for it, but I guess that's okay. He made me feel safe, as I thought random people were just going to start judging me, as he held my hand tightly.

We ate an early dinner, then went to a city park that was lit up by street lights. He was chasing me around the water fountain, and he finally caught me. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind and I stopped.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you Audrey?" Nick whispered in my ear and I only giggled.

"Maybe once or twice..."

"Well, I love you lots and lots." His voice was at a husky tone, and I liked it. He kissed my hair, just over my ear, and I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

"I love you too. So much." I leaned back and he caught me, his grasp tightening around me. I looked up at the stars, and the full moon shone bright. It seemed like we were standing there for hours. Before he finally spoke up softly, still holding onto me.

"We may want to get home."

I was so relaxed, and now I had to move again. I sighed, but turned to kiss him on the cheek before we walked, hand in hand, back to his truck. I hoped in and turned up the heat right away. He quickly turned it off, glaring at me sarcastically.

"I'm cold." I complained, buckling myself in. He took his jacket off, giving it me before peeking out of the small parking lot.

By the time we got home, everyone was home. Except Kevin, who lives with his wife, Danielle. Nick and I walked into the house, Mrs. Jonas standing at the sink and doing and the dishes.

"There you two are." She smiled warmly once she saw us, and we let her know we were heading upstairs. I kissed her cheek and gave her a hug.

"Audrey!" Frankie screamed as I got to the last step, going into the upstairs hallway. His arms wrapped around my waist, seeing that's only how tall he is right now. He clearly missed me or something. I crouched down to be at his level, asking how his day was.

"It was good. I got a A on my spelling test!" He grinned at me, a tooth missing from the top row. I smiled, ruffling his dark hair that resembled Nick's too much.

"Great job." I stood up after high fiving him, going into Nick's bedroom, Frankie following me.

"Woah little dude, you can't come in here." I said, stopping him at the door. I saw my best friend getting into his bed, his shirt off, and I wasn't sure if he had shorts on. Frankie began to pout and he crossed his arms.

"We can hang out tomorrow, okay?"

"Yay! I love you Audrey." Frankie was too sweet. And I knew where he got it from too. All of his older brothers were gentlemen, and they passed it on to him. I leaned down, kissing his forehead.

"Love you too."

"Ew, cooties!" He shouted, running down the hall, flailing his arms. I chuckled, closing the door and facing Nick who was cozy in bed already. I went over to his dresser, grabbing a t-shirt. I slipped out of my dress, putting the shirt on quickly.

I got in bed next to him, sinking into the mattress in complete comfort. I sighed in happiness, rolling on my side and crawling over to put my head on Nick's shoulder. I kissed his skin, and he put his arm around me.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" He asked me, yawning.

"Let's go to the fair. That's in town for the next week or so. It came yesterday I think."

"Sounds fun. Definitely. Audrey," he said my name softly and I peered up at him.

"Don't listen to what people say about you. You are so incredible, words can't explain it. I don't want you to get worked up over it. I love you, and whatever they say about us doesn't matter, as long as we both know how we feel about one another. Promise me you won't worry too much?"

"I promise you."

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