Encounters with the past

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"You didn't know...it's okay...I understand...You had every right to-"

"No I didn't, I had no right treating you like I did Al, you didn't do a thing" I almost screamed at her, I took a deep breath "I just, I hate the way I've been to you. I wasn't a good mate"

"Mate?" she asked and my eyes widened, I hadn't noticed my mistake "Since when were youbritish?"

I laughed and shook my head "pfft did you forget I'm half British" I joked and she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Come on" I said as I made her stand up and dragged her out of her room.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" I grabbed the car keys and made her go in before taking off. I just wanted to get her mind off things, to get her mind off things, to see her smile, really smile, again.

I drove to the store I had in my mind and told her to wait in the car.

"Kyle is that you?" I smiled at the familiar voice as Miss. Vera came out "I haven't seen you in a while" Miss. Vera was a sixty year old who was really friends with my mom

"How are you?" I asked hugging her

"I'm fine honey" she said "Now what can I do for you?"

I smiled and pointed at the things I wanted "Two please"

"What are these? Alex asked as I put the bag in the backseat. I smiled and winked at her, she rolled her eyes "Tell me"

"You're gonna have to wait and see"

She sighed as I continued to drive, I could tell she was trying to figure out where we were going and I just smirked as I parked the car and her eyes got wide.

"Is this?" she asked trailing on with her mouth open "you're kidding me right"

"Nops" I said

"I haven't done this in...so long" she said shaking her head, a distant look in her eyes as she remembered what I think would be when we used to come here.

"Come on" I said as I got out of the car, grabbing the bag with me.

Alex's P.O.V.

"I'm not so sure about this" I said as Kyle sat on the bench and took of his shoes, putting on the roller skates "It's been a long time"

"Oh come on Alex!" he said "Afraid I'm gonna beat you?"

I raised an eyebrow "If I recall correctly it wasn't you who used to win all the races" I said smugly I sat on the bench and put on my skates. I got up and wobbled a bit before getting a hang of it "let's see"

I spotted a bench far from us and grinned "Race you to the bench over there."

"you're on" he said and we took off. I skated as fast as I could and at first he was in front of me. I picked up my pace and after a while ended up in front of him.

I laughed as I saw the bench and turned to look at him "you've gone slow Ky" I said he laughed but his smile dropped

"Alex watch out!" he said but before I could even register what was happening I hit someone and toppled to the ground.

I laughed not remembering the last time I'd had so much fun.

"Oh shit are you okay?" 

"I'm fine" I said still giggling as they helped me up, immediately I flinched and took a step back, stumbling before I felt familiar strong arms catch me. I looked up to see Kyle glaring at the guy who I hit

"Hey Kyle, it's been a long time" the guy behind me said and I turned around to look at him

"Not long enough" Kyle said, his voice so cold it sent chills down my spine "Now if you'll excuse us" he took me by the arm and we skated to the bench where we were sitting. We both took off our skates but and put on our shoes but just as we were leaving the guy came again.

"What? Leaving without saying goodbye? Now that's just mean Kyle" he said and then looked at our skates "Nice skates, very intimidating"

"I'll show you intimidating" Kyle growled and stepped closer but I immediately grabbed his hand and he visibly relaxed "Just go before I do something I surely wouldn't regret"

The stranger looked at me quizzically "So...I'm guessing she's your mate?"

"Yeah Kyle is my best friend" I said moving closer to Kyle, it was obvious he didn't like the guy and his aggressiveness towards him scared me. Kyle wrapped his arm around my waist and kept me pressed tightly against him.

"best friend huh?" he said and looked at Kyle "I gotta say she's a beauty, looks just like..." he shook his head and looked at me"What's your name?

Kyle growled and put me behind him protectively "Don't look at her! don't talk to her! don't even breathe the same air as her you piece of shit!" he said "Or I'll make sure it would be the last thing you do"

I stood on my tip toes and rested my hands on Kyle's shoulders so I can look at the stranger who was smirking.

The stranger had finally lost his smirk and was now glaring back at Kyle "you know threatening someone who can kill you easily is a bad idea Kyle"

Kyle snorted "I'd like to see you try" 

"Well" the guy said "maybe we'll see who will kill who soon. Nice seeing you again Kyle" he looked at me "And nice to meet you...."

I stayed silent and Kyle tugged my arm "Come on let's go" he said as we walked away "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine Ky" I said and then grinned "Actually i'm great. Remember I beat you, and the amazing Alex strikes again" Kyle laughed

"Alex?" I heard someone say and turned around, it was the same stranger "Your name is Alex?" I furrowed my brows in confusion, I didn't say that loudly, he shouldn't have been able to hear me. How did he?

"Yeah" I said and felt Kyle tense beside me.

"As in Alex Mathews?" 

"Yes" I answered hesitantly

"Oh my god it's really you" he said "I thought you looked like...well...you but last time I heard you moved and." he noticed I looked at him confused "it's me...Cole, Cole Atkins"

My eyes widened. Cole? No it couldn't be Cole went away with his family long before I left for new york. I remember going to Kyle's house crying because they left on short notice and I didn't get to say goodbye. I was devastated but after that Kyle and I got even closer, if that was possible.

"Cole? you're back? but you moved away"

Cole glanced at Kyle "yeah, I...moved how have you been Al? We should catch--"

"No" Kyle said "you're not gonna go near her"

"That's not your choice" Cole looked mad "it's hers"

Kyle growled and took a step closer, I was used to his growling by now. He did it a lot, I just didn't know why. Cole apparently noticed Kyle was gonna lose it and glanced at me before

"I'll see you later Al" he said "Count on it" and with that he left. As soon as he did Kyle took the skates from the bench grabbed my hand and started walking to the car.

"Kyle wait! Why are you so mad? You and Cole used to be friends? What happened?" but he didn't answer "When did he come back?"

He stopped and turned around "Look Al" I noticed his eyes were darkening "Stay away from him"


"Because Cole Atkins is a very dangerous person. Trust me"

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