Chapter 1

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"Tch, I feel like shit."

Wang Qing muttered in the school cafeteria, with a cup of coffee in hand. Sitting in front of him, Feng Jian Yu looked at Wang Qing with a poker face.

"How the hell can you fell like shit already? You only just got here. I doubt you are going to fell any better, drinking that cheap coffee. And beside, I thought you had class for third period? How come you still even here, you better move your ass now or you are going to be late."

Lunch break was just about over and the cafeteria almost empty. Dayu was free during third period so he was thinking that he would go over the library and prepare for his classes once Wang Qing had left, the same person that was currently slumped over table, slurping the chip coffee, acting like his is the King of the world.

Spoiled brat.

"Your manners are appalling." Dayu scowled. Wang Qing snorted at the remark.

"Whatever. Manners really aren't my thing."

Dayu not giving any reaction except the poker face to the kid. And somehow, whenever Dayu pull that face to him, it's always get to his nerves.


"Qing ah, do you know what poetic justice is?"

Wang Qing who already at his limit was looking progressively more upset with Dayu's word. In any case, it looked like Dayu had managed to wake the sleeping demon up.

Wang Qing was good looking, tall - and by tall here was 193 cm tall, that's not tall it giant!, fashionable.

He also had a lot amount of money and a lot of cars. Wang Qing had everything a collage student needed to be popular, and yet there was always one thing that stood in the way of a privileged social life to ruin all the perfection.

Wang Qing had the worst personality.

Well, to be more specific, the problem was the way he handled the opposite sex. Since he started college, Wang Qing had, according to the gossip, had more women than you could count on both hands.

"How the fuck this can be?! In freshman year the girls were lining up to date me."

"Sophomore year there weren't so many, huh?" Wang Qing frowned at Dayu's quick comeback.

"I had a steady supply of girls all throughout sophomore year, but I haven't had a girlfriend for two months now. Damn, my life totally sucks!"

If an unpopular guy overheard this, he would probably want to beat Wang Qing to a pulps. But for Wang Qing, whose longest period of time without a girlfriend had been a week up until now, this was quite a serious situation.

"Maybe they all got their eyes checked?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Wang Qing looked up dejectedly, but Dayu just shrugged.

In middle school and high school, being popular had nothing to do with personality, just looks. On the other hand, in college, many of the girls had more dating experience and had developed a taste in men which valued what was on the inside more than what was on the outside. There were few girls now who wanted to be involved with a guys as notorious as Wang Qing, but there as no use in saying that to him. Wang Qing simply wouldn't understand.

"Have tried going to a singles' night?"

"I don't even get invited to those nowadays."

"Yeah, I heard that rumors about you have reached other cilledes as well."

Hearing this, Wang Qing grew even more displeased.

"Did I really do anything that bad?"

"Yes. Really now, Qingge... you have dome some pretty awful thing. You got a girl pregnant and then told her that you didn't care whether she had the baby or get rid

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