The Aries

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annaleese looked around her, diligence had sensed someone stalking them to the ticket booth. but when she saw who it was sh egaped.

Michel. Lucifer. leon.

she clamped a hand over her mouth

"no way why are you here?" ananleese whispered

"go, i'll buy the tickets" diligence said with a calm and trusting smile.

annaleese nodded, not before she reached up and placed a hand on diligence's cheek lightly, and kissed him even more softly, to provide reassurance.

annaleese ran over as fast as she could, didn't say word as she hugged Lucifer.

"anna!" Lucifer was snet back a few steps as the girl seemed to pop up out of nowhere and hug him.

"thank goodness, I thought you would not wake up" annaleese said she flet as if she could cry from joy.

"where is everyone else" she asked them

"I have to call hope... now" Lucifer said and dialed hope's number holding the phone to his ear.

annaleese sighed a little "I got diligence to form an alliance with us, to defeat the darkness" annaleese said to Michel. Michel nodded.

"that's a good idea... so you weren't his hostage?" Michel asked

"no..." annaleese said and waved him over, at first when he walked over it was awkward because in the same moment both hope AND ki had arrived.

"you two've grown some hm" diligence said scanning the two 14 year olds, who scowled at him.

"relax we only have to get along for like a week" diligence murmured starring off into the distance for a moment.

"so whose that?" annaleese asked and notioned alastor.

"oh! this si alastor, he is a boy we met on the train a few days back" hope said grinning up at alastor.

"the train is going to leave soon" diligence pointed out "so saving the reunion for later would be your best bet"

suddenly everyone bursted out into a jog, making it just in time.

this time there was a 11 seater (yes those exist).

mostly everyone napped, annaleese rested her head on diligence's shoulder and close dher eyes. the rest of the train ride went by fairly quick.

soon everyone was shaking with anticipation to see if chastity was awake yet, hope was close to skipping. but each time she tried to alastor would tug at her arm and shake his head.

hope could walk to the hospital with he reyes closed, which is what she tried until she bumped into a man with a  large mustache and a wrinkled face who spat "watch it!"

alastor glared at the man and took hope by the hand, not even realzing the fact they where now holding hands. it seemed liked the group took up most fo the waiting room when they filed in.

they didn't have to go the desk because hope ahd the room number memorized.

everyone stood at the door, waiting for someone to have the guts to open it.

finally ki did, inside she was sleeping just like always.

diligence walked in and stood in the corner of the room

everyone stood there, their eyes glued to chastitys closed eyelids. suddenly something materialized from, well, nothing.

it was a violin and bow.

blue eyes blinked a few times before they opened

her eyes darted around the room, scanning everyones blurry faces.

"good morning" she yawned, no one actually expected he rto awaken.

"what? where's the 'oh my god your up'" chastity asked and plucked idly at the strings of the violin.

"w-we weren't really prepare for this" chastity slid out of the bed, she ha dso much adrenaline, same adrenalie as she had in the other universe.

she wiped tears from her eyes.

"you have no idea how much happened" Michel said, something inside chastity twisted at hearing michels voice.

"I'm scared to ask... but how long was i out?" chastity asked

"a few months" hope answered "wait what happened to your neckclace?" she asked he reyes narrowing.

"I gave it to... a friend" she looked at Michel.

Michel sped forewards and starred at the violin, he picked it up. he flipped it over. on the bag there was a rose engraving.

"th-this... wa- no tahts impossible" Michel had wide eyes starring down at the instrument "this was my mothers"

chastity lost her balance, tripping, the IV yanke dout of her wrist.

but she was too shocked to even feel pain. Michel gave her his mother violin.

"can you play it?" Michel asked chastity, who nodded, Michel handed the instrument off. Chastity played. For Michel. hoping her sound reached him.

a/n so when I said 3 chapters I actually menat one- but there will be a short- and I mean 100 owrd short- epilogue.

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