"It's different nonetheless. We're talking about at least a million won here."

"So what?! It's going to be your money too." Taeyeon was becoming impatient by their pointless argumentation. It would be a different story if Tiffany couldn't go due to her work but since the main reason was money, Taeyeon can't help but feel rejected. "What's the point of me getting my payment if it's not for you?"

"Huh?" Tiffany bewildered. "What are you talking about?"

"We're going to get married someday. Why are you keep forgetting about that? Do you have someone else in mind?!" Now Taeyeon was pissed.

"No! No! No it's not that. You know I love you. I just... think this is too much. We aren't married, yet." She explained.

"Fine, then I guess I won't go too." She stood up from her seat and did her dish, irritated.

"Taeyeon-ah." Tiffany called her softy. "Please don't get the wrong idea? I truthfully don't have anyone but you in my mind to spend the rest of my life with. I'm sorry, okay? Don't be upset." She hugged her from behind.

If somebody told her she would actually considered and genuinely happy and excited to marry Taeyeon a year a go, she would laugh at that person mercilessly. Funny how things turned up with them being in love when they started off on wrong foot.

"Yeah, I'm cool," she spoke flatly. "I'm going to bed. Thanks for dinner," Taeyeon freed herself from Tiffany's embrace as she dried her hands and walked out from the kitchen.

"Taeyeon-ah!" Tiffany shouted stopping her in track. Taeyeon didn't turn to face her though. "At least give me time to think about it first?"

"You have a week."


Day 2

Taeyeon had been laid on her back, staring in full concentration at Tiffany's door for a while now. When she heard a click she quickly lifted up her 'Weekend Gateway: Prague' magazine. She carefully casted a brief look at Tiffany who was now strolling her way to the kitchen.

She watched her every move.

Tiffany came back a moment after as she took a glass of coke. She cozily turned on the TV, she spared a glace to Taeyeon and laughed.

"Taeyeon-ah, you read your magazine upside down," she informed the clueless Taeyeon.

"What?" The shorty rechecked it as her face reddened in embarrassment. She slumped in her seat hiding from humiliation.

Tiffany moved closer to her. She tried to pull the magazine off of Taeyeon's grip. She struggling at first cause Taeyeon was too ashamed to show her face but surrendered anyway by Tiffany's persistence.

"Why are you so cute?" Tiffany pinched her nose earing an adorable pout. She leaned down to kiss her. "Where did you buy that?"

"I didn't buy it," she lied.

"Oh?" Tiffany looked at her with her infamous 'do you really want to play lies with me?'.

"At the newspaper shop in the hospital," she sulked. "This is no fun."

Day 3

"Sooyoung-ah, have you ever gone to Prague?"

The tallest slurped her soup before answering. "No, but I'd love to go there someday. It's on my top list of places I want to visit actually. Why you ask?"

"Can you persuade Tiffany to go with me? I really, really want to take her there. She's too stubborn."

"Is that why you come and feed me so much food? To bribe me so she changes her mind to go with you?"

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