Chapter 2

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AN:I do not own Pokemon or the characters in this book

Third POV

Before Paul and Drew went inside Gary's house they heard noises from the neighbors house aka Leafs house.

"What the hell is going on in there"said Paul. Drew shrugged and replied ,"I don't know but we should check it out"he then smirked to himself. Paul just raised an eyebrow aware of what his friend had implied. With a sigh he followed Drew to the house.

They stopped and hid to hear what was going on once they heard those words coming out of the two bad men's mouth. The boys were enraged with anger and barged in.

Drew's POV

Once I heard those bastards say they wanted to take MY May I was enraged no one will take her not on my watch. Yes I have feelings for the beautiful blue eyed brunette something about her attracts my attention. Okay off topic back to these cowards.

Once we were inside the men smirked and said"What are you gonna do pretty boy and you too ice sculpture". He turned to Paul and said that last comment which made Paul snarl at him before throwing a ball of darkness at the man which send him flying out of here.(AN:Paul has shadow powers or aka dark powers can hide in the shadows can make black holes and portals etc.) May, Dawn and I were surprised Paul actually showed some emotion for once. The other guy looked at me and said, "What do you have up your sleeve grasshead". That made May yell at him and say," Hey that is my grasshead". She realized what she said and blushed madly "Um did I just say that", she muttered.

I smirked at her and then attacked the creep that was going towards May. I send grass vines from underneath him and then used them to squeeze him till he turned red. And I told him,"This is what her grass head ,I said pointing to May, can do. She rolled her eyes and flushed. I then remembered about the guy and threw him out the door and saw him fly far far away with his goon friend.

Third POV

May and Dawn ran up to Drew and Paul to hug them and say their thanks. May tripped and fell on top of Drew they were now face to face in a very awkward position. May was too distracted in his beautiful emerald green eyes to move from their position. Drew smirked and said," So I'm your grasshead". She rolled her eyes and said," Shut up and only if you want to". She said with a small smile. Drew couldn't help but lean forward and kiss her and she was shocked at first but then kissed him back sparks flying.He moved one arm to her face caressing it while the other was around her waist. She then moved her hands to his face pushing closer to each other. He bit her lip their stomachs getting tighter after each movement. They were so in sync they didn't care who was around just the two of them is what mattered to both of them.

Dawn and Paul were too distracted to pay attention to them cause they were also sharing a kiss. After Drew and May pulled apart they then realized their strange position and got up.While blushing until they saw Dawn and Paul. They coughed nervously to get their attention they broke apart and flushed madly well Dawn did. Paul just looked away with a faint blush. Then both girls started screaming and remembered that their friends were not in the house and on cue the girls walked in with bags of groceries aka junk food for the whole week. The brunette and bluenette sighed of relief and ran up to their friends and they gave a group hug minus the boys who felt uncomfortable staring.

Misty said," What did we miss". Leaf then said," What happened ?". May and Dawn looked around the house was a mess both girls sweat dropped and said,"WE CAN EXPLAIN". With that the boys saw the opportunity to leave Dawn and Paul exchanged a hug. While Drew pecked May on the lips and said,"Bye airhead". He smirked and walked out the door only to throw a red rose to the shocked brunette. She then remembered what had happen seconds before and blushed madly before saying back," Shut up grasshead." And smiled to herself and touched her lips thinking I had my first kiss with Drew Hayden aka my crush. Her thoughts were then interrupted by her three best friends who were snickering and still had shocked looks on their faces well except Dawn."What happened between you guys May "said Leaf with a smirk more like a Gary smirk.

"Yeah I thought you hated him"said Misty in a sarcastic tone only to tease May even more. May said "Well I never exactly hated him it's kind of the opposite"She muttered to herself. She then flushed and looked away from her friends. Who heard what she said they all in unison said,"AWWW May's in love". May sighed and smiled, "I guess so wait no I'm not". Why are you guys always teasing me Dawn and Paul also had a moment,"she whined. "Oh May its always fun to tease you," said Misty with a devilish grin. May just replied with an eye roll and stuck her tongue out childishly. "Wait you guys still haven't explained what happened to my house"! Leaf shrieked. Misty nodded in agreement. "Yeah about that," said May and Dawn nervously. "Hehe funny story"said May. Only to receive a glare from Leaf. With a sigh of defeat May said ,"Okay so this is what happened ...".

Drew and Paul 

As they were walking from Leaf's house Paul and Drew had a conversation about making sure to check in often to make sure those creeps don't come back. They nodded in agreement and walked in the house of chaos.

AN: End of chapter 2 yay

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