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"Omma, Am I beautiful?" Seahyun asked, she was facing the antique full length mirror. It was their wedding day, and though theirs was a contract marriage, she still wanted to be a beautiful bride. She was wearing a sweetheart cut a-line white dress that fall just above her knee. Her hair was curled using a steam roller making her look like a doll, soft babyish curls framed her face. Her make-up was light for a virginal look.

"You're lovely, my princess" her mother replied. Their eyes flew to the door after they heard a soft knock. Aunt Sue was already there, staring at her. And because she was in a good mood, Seohyun smiled at her. That was then, she approached them.

Aunt Sue has a bouquet of flowers in hand "I brought you these, Seohyun-ah" she said "I believe every bride should have flowers in hand, I picked these up in the garden earlier."

She was touched by the act, and then she realized, Yonghwa's aunt isn't so bad after all. She took the flowers of different sort and was put together tightly with a thin wire. They were beautiful in its simplicity, no ribbons, just flowers and leaves, wild and pure.

"Thank you, Aunt Sue"

She smiled in return "If you're done, let's go downstairs, Yonghwa has been waiting anxiously. As if the bride won't come" Aunt Sue said

Seohyun laughed, she was really happy. After all, it was going to be a real civil wedding. They just won't get it registered and eventually, the marriage will be null and void.

She sighed. it was ironic that an important thing like marriage can lose significance just because of a simple technicality. Was the process like that in the whole of South Korea, or just here in Busan?

She shook her head. It wasn't the right time to think about it.

She carefully climbs down the stairs to the driveway, where Yonghwa was waiting. He was so handsome in the cream colored long sleeved polo and black slacks, his black leather shoes shining against the light. Beside him was the equally handsome grandpa. He looked like a respectable politician. In broad daylight, she can see their striking resemblance.

His grandpa was in in great shape since the day they arrived, and now he was expecting a great grandchild.. sigh... she's think about that later too.

Yonghwa meet her halfway the stairs, and took her hand. He did not say anything, he just looked at her in an odd way. It was the first time she saw him look at her that way.

They are now inside the van, including the three old maids. Aunt Tess looked like she was mourning Aunt Anne was passive. Aunt Sue was excited, she was fussing all over Seohyun, ignoring the sharp glances of Aunt Tess.


Seohyun was surprised when Judge Shin asked for a wedding ring and Yonghwa took it inside his pocket. She has forgotten about the wedding rings. He bought a pair of wedding rings.

A tear was creeping out her eyes when Yonghwa slid the ring on her ring finger. She stared at it a good amount of time, and thought she couldn't take the ring off. He even pressed her hand after he put on the ring for her. She looked up at him, he meet her gaze. He was dead serious.

And he slowly leaned close for a kiss

"Chakkaman!" Judge Shin said "I haven't said you may kiss her"

They both smiled, their foreheads touched

"Okay.. now you may kiss the bride" the Judge grinned.

Seohyun closed her eyes in anticipation. And it didn't surprise her at all that Yonghwa's lips were tender and sweet. It was just a simple kiss, just their lips touching, but it lingered. As if Yonghwa does not want to break off the kiss, or maybe her?

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