Maybe I'm dreaming

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Maybe I'm dreaming

Have you ever been to a place so perfect it can't be true... can't be real feels likes you're dreaming! No nor have I but I hear it's out there and I also hear that you have to not give up looking and to never give up hope. Well that's what my best friend tells me, Sophia. She's the best! She's the only one I can say is truly there for me. I go to her with all my problems and I know that it's really not fair because she has her own problems, big ones at that. But hey I'm there for her and she's there for me. She's one of those people that likes to think she's as strong as a rock and you read some of the things that she writes and you would think wow this is someone with so much gumption and she is she really is but sometimes I see this look in her eye and know she's hurting and no one can see it. She just zones out on the busy school table, goes into her own little world and most of the time I think she's really wise doing it because so much happens around the school lunch table, so many arguments, so much hurt. But then there's some really good fun at the same time. But I guess every group of friends has that right?

Groups in groups in one really big group, right?

(At this point Abigail Gibbs aka Canse12, THE writing extraordinaire and general amazing person would like to point out the fact that Sophia also has seriously cool hair, stunning blue-grey eyes and killer writing skills... and enough eye-liner in her room to outdraw Da Vinci... oh and she's also a great, great friend who is so adored that her generous bestest buddie midget-in-heels ever is GOING TO READ "Dinner..." COVER-TO-COVER no excuses AND THEN fall in love with Kaspar NOT Fabian... oh, and donate all her chocolate and coca cola supplies to the EnableAbbieToStayUpUntil3amToWrite fund... see fb for details...)

"JODI, JODI, we're leaving, we have to go come on"

My head was spinning and my mum was yelling. Not a good combination.

"I'm still in bed its only... oh shit" I must have overslept, it was 7:30 (that's the time we had to leave to go to school) God I hate it there, and where the hell was the anadin?! I found it in a bag on the floor in my room then I was running around like a mad person to get ready... we were always early anyway. I was just straitening my hair at like 8:00 saying shit a lot when my used to be best friend, Poppy, arrived and was stood in my kitchen: she has been funny with me for months now. Probably because she knows our friendship is falling apart slowly but surely and she knows I don't tell her everything that happens in my life, and she hates that. I gave up with my hair and shoved it up in to a messy bun as we were going out of the door. We got in to the car and I made small talk with Poppy on the way to Dartmouth, well, Kingswear really - to get the ferry. We were just in front of the bus which meant we would get the first ferry so we were still early after half of the ride spent talking to Poppy about not much I kind of zoned out of myself; after being around Sophia for so long it kind of catches on.

I dazed in the world of what if, and it is not a good place to be I know that I've read loads of book and all of them tell their characters don't go to the place of if only but right now it was the place where I felt safe. A place where there weren't three guys in my life. Two of them I know I have to see when I get to school. One of them yeah I really do like but the other I just want to be friends with and I really want him to come to church because it would be such a laugh, but now I know he likes me and it's all that is going around in my head and the look on his face when I had to say no to him because I was still in love with the same guy for over a year now but it never seems to work out. What if I was back in Wolverhampton? Would I still love Robbie ? Would we still be as close as we were before I left to move here? Would my life still be as messed up as it is now? Would I still be in two groups of friends that hate each other while I'm just stuck in the middle, well I was but I think that's changing now I'm not really too sure. The car began to stop and I realised that we had just got the ferry that would take me to Dartmouth. I had nearly forgot about that looking at the blue sky with some white fluffy clouds in it, I was completely lost in thought.

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