"This is a nice little place." Dave says as he looks around at the cafe. Light brown wall paper, egg shell tires and a long register that comes between the customers and the back kitchen were the food is prepared. I nod my head in agreement.

"And not to bad pricing." I ponder out loud. He nods his head.

"So, how is the family?" I ask smiling. He grins.

"They are great. Junior just started playing soccer and Lilly got full marks on her last spelling quiz." I smile and can't help but laugh softly, it's quite funny that when children as so young, something as small as getting a spelling quiz right, is such an amazing thing.

"How about your boys? How are they." He asks.

"They are good, they are at pre-school today. James has started to
Write his own name and knows how to count to one hundred and knows about half of the alphabet." I say smiling. 

"And Tyler?" He asks.

"Tyler seems to be going well, he's not too far behind his brother, even with three months in a coma." I say with a weak smile.

"What are you doing for their fourth birthdays?" He asks.

"Same old party in the backyard with kids hyped up on sugar." I say with a grin.

"Well we will definitely be there." I cackle and nod my head.

It's not long until our order has arrived. We sit in comfortable silence as we eat and drink. The lunch hour almost over, we go back into our patrol car. Dave insisting it is his time to drive. I just roll my eyes and let him be.

I buckle in and groan as he revs the engine a little bit. He just can't help himself, he always has to be such a boy.

I take him driving as my chance to see how Arizona is travelling and to ask what time she would like me to pick her up. My boys done need to be picked up until 4:30, since that is the time the pre-school closes.

'What time would you like me to swing by?' I ask her in a text.

'I finish at 3, but whenever your ready is fine with me. Justin needs to be picked up by 4 at the latest though.'

I smile at her text. I finish work at 3:15 so I can go straight after work to her, then we can pick up Justin at 4 then make our way to my boys.

It's great how well that works out. I send her a text saying it's all good and I would come around 3:30.

"You really like her don't you?" Dave asks knowingly. I roll my eyes.

"Have you and Archer been speaking about me again?" I ask rhetorically. He laughs and shakes his head.

When my shift finally comes to an end I get into my car, driving toward Arizona's work. I park my car and walk inside, I find it odd, walking around the same corridors I went down when I was a teen. I take a guess and walk toward her old classroom. I smile as I see I was right. She's still there.

I tap on the door softly, she turns slightly startled mad smiles when she sees me. I walk in and sit next to her as she grades some papers. She glances at the time and smiles.

"You're a little early. I thought you finish at 3:15, not you'd be here by 3:15." I smile.

"I got off a little early." I say shrugging.

"Okay, well, did you want to head off?" She asks.

I nod and walk with her out of the classroom. Her hand swaying gently next o her body, grazing my hand every now and again. I smile and take her hand in mine, interlacing our fingers as we walk down the corridors. I glance her way to see her smiling and blushing.

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