
I ended up in a slouchy jumper and sweatpants, and Harry didn't even blink when I came out without any makeup on - my hair dirty and slept on. I looked a mess, and felt it even more.

"Have you ever held a golf club before?"

I looked up at Harry and shrugged. "When I was a kid, yes."

"I only ask because it's upside down," he chuckled, pointing to my club. He was right.

I flipped it around and swung at the bright purple ball, missing badly and taking a chunk out of a decorative flower bed in the process.

"Nice swinging, Tiger Woods," Harry teased as I stared at my failure of a swing. "You've got to keep your eye on the ball, darling. Here." He wrapped his strong arms around my body and put my hands into place, his warm breath fanning over my cheek as shivers ran down my spine.

"Try mine." He placed his ball in front of my club and grinned. "Take your best shot."

I tried again and missed again, but not as badly. Harry looked proud so I took that as a win, and we moved on.

Golfing occupied two hours of our morning and coffee took up another half hour, but after that we were both worn out and I was feeling down again. All I wanted to do was sleep.

Son Harry took me back to his house - where it would be quiet, he said - and let me sleep in his big bed while he went to the second half of school and then football practice.

When I woke up, it was dark and very cold.

But I could hear voices coming from downstairs and upon further listening, realized it was Benji.

I didn't want to see him right now.

I knew he would say some bullshit anecdote and tell me to grow up, to go talk to my mum and stop being a baby about it. That's what older siblings are for, isn't it?

So I laid in bed for as long as I could without freezing to death, and when the cold became unbearable, I poked my head down the stairs.

And there they were; Harry stretched out on the couch, shirtless and sweaty, and Benji next to him in a similar way. They both held large water bottles but neither drank from them.

"-good for her."

Harry shrugged. "I don't know either. I guess she just needs time."

"Our mum put us through hell before she left," Benji answered with a hint of anger in his rich voice. "I wouldn't be surprised if Eve never wanted to see her again."

"What about you?" Harry looked at Benji and let one long leg fall to the floor. "Do you want to see her?"

"Probably. Eve is stubborn but I-"

I cleared my throat and they both looked at me, surprise on their handsome faces.

"I didn't know you were up," Harry spoke with a grin. "How do you feel? Any better?"

I wrapped my arms around myself and shrugged. "Cold."

"Yeah?" I nodded. "I'll turn up the heat and get you a blanket."

He patted my bum and disappeared from the room, shuffling his feet a little like he was sore.

"You have him so wrapped around your little finger," Benji shook his head with a small smile. "I've never seen a boyfriend so whipped."

"He's not whipped," I defended softly. "I'm just cold."


I turned. "Yes?"

"Do you want my blanket or the soft pink one?"

"Has your blanket been washed?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "A few days ago, yeah. Why?"

I blushed, and he held it out to me.

"I just like it when it smells like you," I finally answered as Benji watched us curiously.

"Yeah?" He laughed deeply and kissed the side of my head. "I love you, pretty girl."

"Love you too," I mumbled, my lips twitching into a sad excuse of a half-smile. "I need a shower. Do you mind?"

"Of course not; you know where the towers are. Should be plenty of hot water."

"I'm actually just leaving," Benji said over us. "You two need time together."

"Wait, wait." Benji stopped at the door and turned to look at me. "Where are you going?"

"Just to..." he looked at Harry for help. "Uh. Run some errands."

My throat squeezed shut. "You're going to see her."



I pushed past Harry and went straight to the shower, letting my angry tears fall into the steady stream of hot water.

After only a few moments, Harry's arms slid around my waist, and I was overwhelmed with the feeling of home.

But sometimes home isn't where you need to be.

And sometimes home can't fix the broken parts of you.

sorry for the wait everyone!! school is crazy busy right now and I don't even have time to think!

hope you enjoyed :) xo

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