Another random Chapter

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Ok so like for the third time I am sick, meaning when I go to school tomorrow I am going to have a butt load of homework from the social studies teacher. Great right? Yeah, and of course I have technology tomorrow which doesn't really help. So tomorrow's going to be horrific, which rhymes with terrific.............well sorta. So I am just blabbering on when I stumble upon a question. Hmm......I wonder what people wish there school did or have? I wish it started around nine, that way I could sleep in! Oh and I would love to have a chef cook for are school. Yum-Yum! So I have not much to talk about so I guess I can spill the beans on my embarrassing moments.

1. Ok so in sixth grade all drama happened. Same with seventh. So I liked a dude. It was ninth period on day six which meant FITNESS! We were playing a game called Geronimo. Which was kind of fun, if you like tag and running back and forth. Back to the story! I was running and Jack ( the dude I use to like) and Kaleb were running crisscross so I wasn't paying much attention and WHAM I ran right into the side of Jack. Now it wasn't so bad but I did summer sualts on the floor...........not on purpose. So when I stopped and laid there from shock Kaleb and Jack came over. Kaleb was making weird noises when Jack was saying he didn't mean too.............Yeah.............I know I'm a loser.

2. I had a lot of crushes in sixth grade. Another was Sam who I might.....yeah well I was playing Make it Take it where you shoot a basketball and if you miss someone can take it. So someone missed and I ran to get the ball. I didn't quite see Sam going to the same ball. So we both grabbed it. He blushed and let go. I felt terrible and tried to give it to him but he was not listening......great.

3. I had a lot of study halls at the end of the day. So we went out to the playground for one of them. I played basketball with Kaleb and Kate. Then Keery came out and something terrible happened. Annie Keery and a few others wanted me to talk to Sam. So they dragged me....DRAGGED ME over to him which Annie told him I needed to talk to him. At the sight of his face I broke free of the grip and spun around and ran. Keery told me afterwards that he blushed and ran away................First dude I have ever seen blush.

4.When I was playing Flag football and pulled on Nate's pants By mistake.

5. When I was playing gator Ball and fell like a gazillion times, and also when I ran into Cody's face...............

Ok so those are some of them. Now I am sure I have more but that will be another day. I did have my evil moments too. ( not like mean evil but crazy evil)

Like when I wanted to hit Hunter with a water bottle on Field days ( Keery you remember that) and when I .........................that's really the only time I have ever been that kinda mean......... weird. So yeah I have a weird life, that's confusing and crazy.....Ok so I'm probably just making your eyes hurt from reading all this jibber jabber, but I just GOTTA tell you about some crazy things.

Here are some stupid things my family has done.

My uncle owns a little farm and the community lets him have old telephone polls. So we wanted to get one of those HUGE telephone polls over a gully. Hmm well ya tie a rope to it and drag it! Uh well doesn't really work. Thank fully there's some smart people in are family. After an hour of that we got it across. What did we do with it? Uh well we had plastic swords. So two people would walk across it on opposite sides and whack each other till one falls off............SMART!

Stupid Lessons to remember

Having a huge tractor pull a sled isn't the smartest.....But it's fun!

Never let your brother who plays car games drive a car...............especially when he's the one crashing.

Cat's don't matter how high you throw them ( don't worry we didn't throw any cats)

If you have a weird name, make it into something fun.

When someone says NO DON'T DO IT! Do the opposite of what you want to do.

So yeah......that's all I have for Lessons for now. NOW FOR STUPID MOMENTS!

Number 1

How do you spell it?


How many 0 are in a hundred?


How do you spell girl?

and there's probably more but I can't remember at this moment. I'm not stupid, I just have a lot of brain farts.....................

Now I know non of you readers will understand any of these inside jokes..........BUT if you wanna now just ask.....KEERY KNOWS!

Pant, Elephird, GOLD FISH, Jelly bean, TEDDY BEAR, Boo, Afro, Lunch box, Correcting, French dude,Muffin Man :), Macho man, AND ( If you don't know this one you haven't been reading my book!--->) D.B. ( <---It stands for Deer boy and Devil boy)

Some are older some are newer...YEAH!

*****Note*** A beautiful quote by a wonderful poet!

" The sky has limit and neither does love. People are the only reason that they become limited." -xSkittlesSwagDudex

Special thanks to my friends that are always there. You know who you are, and I thank with all of my heart. If it wasn't for you guys I would wanna be killing myself now. And thanks to those who support my reading, and talk to me when I need help. Thank you arzoo123 you read all my books and help me out with things.

Life in the Eye Of a Seventh Grader.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora