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Gee almost felt physical pain as her body was forced awake by her wretched alarm clock. The insufferable screeching grew louder and faster the longer Gee procrastinated getting up to turn it off. Eventually, the girl had enough, and she grudgingly stood up to turn the infernal contraption off.

Gee let out a long groan as she sat down on her bed, putting her face in her hands as she tried to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room, noticing the way the sunlight bled through the cracks in her blinds, spilling onto the floor. It would made a nice painting if she had the motivation to get up early enough in the morning on the weekend to do it. But alas, Gee was a lazy ass.

She eventually sighed and stood up, pausing for a moment as the blood rushed to her head. Once she was steady, she walked over to her closet to pick out an outfit for the day. After about eight years of decision-making, Gee settled on a white pleated skirt, a black Arctic Monkeys shirt and her pink high top converse. She had showered the night before so she got dressed and did her makeup, nothing too much, just a little something to spice up her look and make her look a little more feminine.

Gee was always really scared of going anywhere without makeup on. She knew she sort of passed with it, but without it, it was obvious she wasn't a cis girl. She was aware that it was an almost unhealthy crutch, but she would do anything she could to look more feminine.

Gee gave herself one last look to determine if she was ready to go to school. She decided that her appearance was suitable, and thus opened her door and walked downstairs into the kitchen, where she saw her brother lazily eating a bowl of cereal while scrolling through his phone. It was a normal morning, but now that Gee was awake and ready for the day, it felt somehow special. She was now in a chipper mood as she kissed the top of Mikey's head, then grabbing an apple and a bagel for breakfast.

Mikey looked up at her through his glasses. "What's got you so happy?" he questioned skeptically. Gee just smiled and shrugged.

"Dunno, just feeling it today," she replied. Mikey looked at her oddly for a second, then went back to munching on his Lucky Charms™.

Gee quickly ate her breakfast, and gulped down a glass of water. She sighed happily, finally ready for the day.


By the time Gee trudged into the art room, her good mood had deflated almost completely. She had just gotten out of AP Physics, a generally fine class, but the teacher was dreadful. Mr. James would always laugh at his own stupid jokes and constantly misgender Gee. It was not a fun time. She already had to deal with almost every single student calling her a "tranny" or a "fag", but rarely did a teacher ever call her anything like that. However, they had a new foreign exchange student from a program their school did with a couple places in Italy and France. So, when the new student, Ariana, came in, Mr. James told her, "You can take a seat by the drag queen over there," and pointed at Gee, making the entire caught burst into cruel laughter. The new student and Gee both had red faces as Ariana walked towards her. The girl gave a small '"hi" to Gee, but didn't speak other than that. Gee was mortified.

Now, she should probably tell the principal about something like that, but honestly, Dr. Schneider couldn't care less about the bigoted things teachers said, even if they were direct insults to the students. Not that being a drag queen is bad, it's just not okay to call someone that when they're actually trans, not just cross dressing.

Anyways, Gee took her seat and put her head in her arms, resting on the art table in front of her. She really just needed a breather-- something to get her through the rest of the day.

However, her brief moment of rest was interrupted when the classroom door slammed open, banging against the wall. Gee's head shut up at the abrupt attack on her eardrums. None other than Frank Iero stood there, grinning from ear to ear, as if he had just won the fucking lottery. He sauntered over to Gee's table, sitting himself down in the chair next to the startled girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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