Chapter 1

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Faster, faster, faster.

She ran on instinct, though her body and brain wanted to stay and fight. Thoughts swirled around in her head. Every street, every corner, every building looked the same. All dark, but lived in. Cars raced down the street with little thought about pedestrians. She knows where she is, yet there's no memory to name the place.

A turn down an alley, climb a wall, get to the roof.

There are no stars in the sky, the city lights are too bright. She doesn't remember anything about the stars, but instincts scream to read the empty night sky.

There's a loud bang from behind that her brain supplies is a gunshot. She's been running for so long now her body is becoming exhausted, it can't run for much longer.

Hide, a voice in her brain supplies.

Fight, another one demands.

With a groan and a sigh, the woman sprints across the rooftop and jump onto the fire escape. The window she lands near opens with very little effort. The lights are off so she stops worrying. To cover any traces, the woman closes the window. Then, she hides.

Because the outside is so bright, the silhouettes of two men appear in the curtains. They seem a bit confused. Good.

Her instincts are screaming that something is wrong.

There's nothing worse, she realises, than the feeling of being trapped.

Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it!


Updated: 3 mars 2019

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