
The whip smacked against my skin once more but something was different. Something was wrong. The dark haired demon woman began to disappear and I got a feeling of Levi. Though he was far from me I felt his pain not mine. I felt him starting to drift from me. I hissed at the sting in my wrist.

Glancing up at my bound wrist I saw no new marks to cause the pain I felt. This was like a sharp slice running across my skin. My wolf was begging and whine ferociously in my head suddenly. He has been like my salvation. He took most the beating I received every day, pushing me back to protect me and taking the worse. It was becoming harder on him mentally and I could feel the feral savage nature in him rising every day, demanding to get free and rip the woman apart. He was going to have breakdown with all this punishment they were putting us through and me along with him.

The next few weeks I felt sad and distracted from the world I had been dragged into. I was tempted to end it all. My wolf didn’t surface after the weird feeling from that day. He just continued to wrap me in his mental protection. This particular day, my tormenter was doing an extra ordinary job at causing me pain when a sudden chill rushed though me and my wolf howled mournfully. All I felt was a seeping emptiness fill me and I knew then what happened.

“Mate” my wolf cried.

Levi was gone, and I broke.

‘He couldn’t be.’ I said sorrowfully.

I had to go find him; I had to get out of here!


I shot out up then in a deadly crouch, gasping from breath as I wildly looked around for the evil woman in black but instead I found a comfy room where I sat on a bed with white blankets. I’d never seen this room before. Was it another trick from that bitch, trying to make me feel Stockholm syndrome or something? Cautiously I climbed off the bed and tip toed towards the door. Gingerly I opened it a crack and peeked through.

I then got a strong whiff of wolves, lots of them. There was no way I was back in that torture camp, I was in unknown wolf territory which caused wolf’s hackles to raise in hostility, did that bitch trade me to a pack of wolves or something? Stealthily I walked out of the room and tried to find the exit, I didn’t have time for another capture I needed to find my mate. I needed to see if he was ok.

I peeked around the corner and saw a set of stairs leading down and followed them swiftly, rushing towards the front door and flung it open only to run into a male who was making his way inside. Out of instinct my wolf rose close to the surface and I growled at him ferociously, my canines extending to match my ferocity.

“WHOA!” he exclaimed jumping out of my way as I ran for freedom. For the first time I felt the frigid wind on my face as I noticed snow falling. My eyes hastily ran over the perimeter and all I saw was a fast expansion of land covered in white.

“Where the hell am I?!” I scowled twisting in a circle till I stopped a figure rushing towards me. I froze and glared at it. I made out a wolf at full speed heading my way and I tensed ready to fight as we collided. I gave of a series of growls while the wolf whined in submission showing his belly to me and I stopped.

“Lakota?” I recognized the white fur and yellow eyes immediately. He gave me a wolfish smile and licked my face. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Alright, what is this place?” I asked him. He didn’t answer, couldn’t answer of course.

“Safe” I quickly got to my feet and glared at our intruder. He was dressed in black with a heavy white coat.

“Who are you” I said none to friendly. The guy smiled in amusement.

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now