36. Breaking News: Jake Is Not Invited To Anything Anymore.

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kara: what's wrong w you guys? @ sage and jake.

Sage: wdym

kara: when jake and i got home from school and went to the tree house you two just glared and didn't say a word to each other?

harley holland: ^^^

Sage: idk I was tired from hanging out with har all day

lord of love: 👌 nice one Sage, ever spend enough alone time with my sister?


harley holland: Now you're using reaction pictures too? This is my dream

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harley holland: Now you're using reaction pictures too? This is my dream

Sage: 😘

harley holland: YOU DOG

lord of love: excuse me while I vomit

kara: wtf jake ur bitter.

lord of love: sorry Kara ❤️❤️

harley holland: Chill Jakob

lord of love: I'll chill when I'm dead

Sage: that can be arranged

kara: snap!
kara: clapback.

Sage: I gotta go to work! Bye Kara and Harley I love you both

kara: love you too?

harley holland: Love you too stay safe bro.

lord of love: bro zoned
lord of love: rip

harley holland: That's not even a thing dumbass
harley holland: Why are you and Sage being so hostile wth

kara: ^^

lord of love: told him I didn't like him LOL

kara: WHAT!?

harley holland: HAHAHAHAHHA
harley holland: Classic

lord of love: fr though

harley holland: Wait WHAT

kara: JAKE????????
kara: why don't you like sage?


lord of love: iM LOCKING MY DOOR NOW

harley holland: I'm too lazy to get up and get you,,, but are you serious

lord of love: you guys he's fake as hell
lord of love: he's practically the most girl-popular guy at school

harley holland: 'girl popular' ??????????????!!!!2?2?2?!2!!!

kara: jake, you're my boo, but you're a dumbass.
kara: he's not even into them. can't you see he literally only sees harley? omfg, that can't be the only reason bc that's ridiculous.

lord of love: whatever
lord of love: he just makes me salty and he's changed idk

harley holland: I'm so mad
harley holland: Unbelievable

kara: i kind of agree with harley on this. the guy loved you like a brother, jake. you can't do that to someone and taint that relationship right before they're leaving. that's selfish.

lord of love: screw that I couldn't take it anymore

harley holland: Why do you always have to ruin everything

lord of love: oh shut the hell up Harley. That's coming from you, the fuck up
lord of love: just go make out with Sage and give him what he wants

kara: babe, calm down.

harley holland: Listen to Kara
harley holland: You complete asshole I want to break your ugly face

lord of love: 👋
lord of love: wow you roasted me so good!!!!!
lord of love: turn off your phone 😘

harley holland: Might as well

kara: guys, stop!
kara: how do we fix this? i wanna fix this.

harley holland: I'm sorry Kara
harley holland: idk

lord of love: keep me out of it I've stated my peace

kara: 'peace' isn't necessarily the proper phrase...

harley holland: So you and Sage aren't friends

lord of love: Nope

harley holland: Then I guess you're not invited to his farewell get together in the treehouse
harley holland: Sit in your room by yourself

lord of love: Thank God I will

kara: this is lame.
kara: im going to nap now.

lord of love: sleep tight ✌️❤️

kara: 🖕

harley holland: YIKES! 😉
harley holland: Have fun cooking dinner. I'm going to go to Sage's work and watch him quit.

lord of love: don't care
lord of love: you're so extra

harley holland: I get it from you

lord of love: BYE!!!!!!! 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

harley holland: Asshole

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